View Full Version : what will i do next

thoughts and actions
16-12-08, 12:42
hi guys

Just bit fed up really

Am back at work 3 months on (after 3 months off long term)

I am enjoyign being back at work (some days are hard but more good)

Before, i was on verge of being agrophobic- i have done so well in coming this far through claire weekes, cbt etc.

My life now though consists of work n on my days off maybe going shopping or visting a friend

However- i want more (no that may sound selfish) but i wanna be able to go out to the pub (not nec get drunk but just dance and socialise) wanna be able to go to the cinema, out for dinner, even bowling, even A DATE :scared15: - without thinking am going to pass out. vomit or die :shrug:

I feel like i am slightly agrophobic coz i still have boundaries- i feel that if i can crack these am goin get better

i hate the fact that all my friends are going out for their xmas nites out, lunches dinners etc and i even hate the thought of eating a mince pie in work (i dont really like eatin in public)

Anyone have any tips or advise

Just feel like if i dont start pushing meslf again am going to go backwards

thansk for listening


thoughts and actions
16-12-08, 14:29
thanks tetley

that meant a lot

i think your right- going back to work is fantastic and sometimes i cant belive i have done it :yesyes:

I just think i expect to much of myself- always thinking the negative and feeling like a failure coz i just cant spontaneously jump up and go to cinema etc with pals like i used to


16-12-08, 14:45
Hi Thoughts!

WOW you are doing amazingly well :flowers:

I am also agoraphobic, been stuck in the house for a year but recently started getting out again on my own (not far) but huge steps for me. What i did was set myself one task at a time. Maybe you could start with an hour in the pub with a good friend to see how you get on. Possibly at a quieter time and the repeat this until it's not so daunting.

Also tell yourself that the only thing that is stopping you reaching your goals is fear/anxiety and remember neither can harm you hun.

Very best of luck

Love Lisa
