View Full Version : I urgently need advice on latest attack of anxiety!

16-12-08, 13:15
I really, really, really need your advice! For the last seven days my HA has gone through the roof and I can’t decide whether to go to my GP or not. The reason I would rather not is that I have come to believe that there has to be a point where I take a stand and refuse to give in to anxiety. However, I am also worried that I’ll ruin my own and my kids Xmas with anxiety and stubborn symptoms that won’t leave me alone because I haven’t sought enough reassurance.

I’ll give you some details of what has set me off this time.

1st December
On the first of December (a Monday) I came in from shopping and very quickly developed a headache and an ache above my right eye...sort of behind the eyelid (it was really cold and the house was warm).

3rd December
Then I was in work on the Wednesday (with the extra heaters on because the building is drafty) and I got the same thing.

This happening twice got me thinking and I decided it was either eye strain or sinus issues…I’ve been battling a cold for a while but not actually getting congested. I remembered getting a letter from my opticians a few days earlier saying that my eye test was due; which I’d ignored as I felt that there was no difference to my eyes and I’ve not been having any issues whatsoever—now I decided to have the test.

4-5 + 6th December
I got a bit of eye ache (but no headache) on the Thursday and Friday and had the eye test on Saturday morning. The optician said everything was fine with the health of my eyes but the prescription would need to change very slightly.

6-8th December
I relaxed and just as if a magic button had been pressed everything was fine for 3 days—no headache or eye ache or anything, and I’m picking up my new glasses this coming Thursday 18th Dec.

9th December
Then…on the Tuesday (last Tuesday now) I started to seriously fret for reasons I won’t go into as they aren’t linked to me personally, and, hey presto! almost immediately the eye ache came back. I came on the forum here and read similar posts and posted one of my own.

10th December
Still fretting I saw a doctor the next day who also checked my eye and my blood pressure and both were fine and normal. His suggestion was that headaches can happen behind the eye etc and they wouldn’t need to investigate without other symptoms and as ten days had passed from that first headache on the 1st he felt there was no need to worry.

On that same afternoon I developed a tension headache (like a tight band across my forehead but not throbbing etc etc).

During the evening and when checking in the mirror, I noticed that my left pupil (not the one with the ache) was larger than the other and started to freak. My husband did a test under the exact same light conditions and proved that his pupils reacted the same way—so I turned off the lamps and, leaving only the main light on, found that both pupils were the same size.

11th December

First thing in the morning (practically after stumbling out of bed) I checked my eyes again in the same mirror with only the main light on and again found the right pupil bigger than the left, and freaked again. Then I grabbed my glasses and put them on and found the pupils were the exact same size. Still freaked I grabbed a smaller make up mirror and immediately checked them in every room in the house with stronger lights and checked them again and again and found them to be the same size.

I must have checked fifty to a hundred times during the rest of the day and found them normal. I also suffered a short episode of mild nausea. I also paid for a second eye test with an optician. The optician did a thorough check and found everything was normal (looking with lights and magnifying equipment at the back of my eyes, peripheral vision etc etc). He told me that emotions can sometimes cause the pupils to react the way I’d explained to him—I,e stress, but that he would write to my doctor to keep them informed. (My pupils have been normal ever since).

12-14th December – The occasional twinge from my right eye with an odd feeling of pressure where the corner of my eye met my nose, as if someone was keeping a finger pressed in there. However, as I’d read in the forums I also started to notice some floaters and wonder about my vision and worry about getting other symptoms such as nausea and dizziness without actually experiencing them—I even stewarded at a church event for four hours outside without any symptoms at all.

15th December – I was in work and developed another tension headache in the form of a tight band across my forehead that went after I took some ibrupofen. In the evening I developed eye ache again and that went after about the third glass of red wine!

16th December – I’m in work again and started to feel a little nauseous, woozy and spaced out.

Okay, so now you know it all. My options are to try and get to see a particular doctor that I trust who is usually adverse to sending folks for tests (and always happily been proved right on that stance) and is usually very reassuring and not afraid to state strong opinions on why they aren’t necessary: an attitude I find very helpful. The thing is I’m afraid that this time he’ll send for me for tests and totally freak me out for the weeks it will take for the test to take place etc etc

Or, I can try and be strong and leave it and see if it all goes away—remembering that apart from the initial two headaches and recurring eye ache—my vision was fine and I felt no wooziness or nausea until two weeks later and after I started to worry about such ‘symptoms’ appearing. I have an appalling habit of manifesting the symptoms I read about within very short order—which is why I avoid reading about symptoms wherever possible and I stumbled across the nausea and dizziness etc while going through some posts on this site.

What do you think, doctors visit or be strong? I would really appreciate and value your opinions on whether you think this is all stupid anxiety and I should be strong etc?

ETA: I'm on carbimizole and Levothyroxine as 'block and replace' therapy for my overactive thyroid, but no other medicine, and I've been eating regularly.

16-12-08, 13:29

Well - in my opinion, this sounds 100% like classic anxiety.

I don't think you need to go to the doctor - I think rather than re-assurance, acceptance is what you need.

Take it easy,


16-12-08, 19:43
Hi Helen,
I too have days where I constantly 'check' myself so I know exactly how it feels. When I suspect something is wrong I focus on it and become obsessed with it.
At the moment I find myself looking to see if I am yellow skinned. This is because my Bilirubin level was slightly raised at the last doctors app and since then it has become the focus of my subconscious. I have to laugh at myself too, for letting it get a hold of me.
This week it is a tummy thing moreso than anything else - it could be anything and everything that is wrong with me, or it may be nothing! I'm sticking with the nothing!
I find occupied distraction, doing something creative or just telling my other half how I feel at that particular moment very helpful, he can rationalise things for me and bring me back.
So, from me babe, leave the docs for now, if you have a supportive hubby, he can be the best help you get for now.

16-12-08, 20:27
Hiya. It sounds to me like if its anything...which it probably isn't...it might be a bit of a sinus infection. Which is no big deal!! I don't know what to say on the issue of the doctor. For me lately..I constantly have doctor's appointments so I fret in the middle and wonder if I should call. Honestly, posting on here and reading has helped me out so much! Distracting yourself can be a great help too. I don't know what kind of hobbies you have...but I like to play online games. I like to chat on here and answer people's questions on Yahoo Answers as well. And if I don't feel like being on the computer...I started knitting again which I like to do when I watch TV or a movie.

Do you whatever you know is going to make YOU feel better. If you think you can distract yourself, then don't call the doc. If you are afraid it might ruin Xmas with the family, then just call and try to get in before then. But since you have already been to the doc I think you said twice this month(?) then I wouldn't worry! If you hadn't been to the doc in say a couple of months or something I'd say definately get it checked.

I hope that you feel better soon! A nice hot shower or bath can really help me calm down when my mind is racing about my health. Keep us updated, we are here for you! :)

16-12-08, 20:41
Hi There
It sounds like your symptoms are very distressing and as you have had them for some time its best to get them checked out by your Doctor if he thinks they need to be checked out, it is probably only anxiety and not dangerous.
staple x

16-12-08, 20:42
I had a very similar experience to you a few months ago. It started with a sensation of pressure above my right eye exactly as you describe - as though a finger were being pressed between my right eye and the top of my nose. I started looking at my eyes in the mirror all the time to see if I could see a problem. I became convinced that one pupil was bigger than the other. I went to the optician who found my eyes to be physically healthy and the light reactions of my pupils normal, but my prescription had changed a bit, like you.

The pressure above the eye turned out to be a viral sinus infection. There are sinuses just above the eye and when swollen they can irritate the eye - sometimes it felt like pressure in the eye, at other times like something was rubbing on it. The sinusitis also caused pressure headaches (like pressing on the top of my head or temples, or a band around my head) and sometimes stabs of pain in the forehead or face or eyes. If it is sinuses, I recommend breathing in steam or nasal drops to get the excess mucus moving. You can have excess mucus in your sinuses without having a runny or blocked nose. Do you have any post-nasal drip (mucus going down the back of your throat)? A viral infection or sinus problem can make you feel dizzy too.

16-12-08, 23:19
AtmoLav Thank you for the reply! I find it really reassuring that you are so positive that this is just anxiety and I’m sure I’ll re-reading to bolster myself when I begin to doubt!:)

anna66 Thank you for the advice! I know exactly what you mean about the symptoms changing on a quick basis. In the last three months alone I’ve had so many scares it is ridiculous. I also have a supportive hubby, unfortunately he works away for two weeks out of every five and is about to go away tomorrow, so I’m pretty much alone until the in-laws come next week:wacko: .

girlrock When I’m rational I tend to veer between sinus and/or anxiety, unfortunately, it’s the irrational times that are taking point at the moment :scared15: . Thank you for the advice and I’ll be sure to follow it. I’ve had two optician’s appointments and just the one doctor’s appointment and it was with the doctor that I had my blood pressure checked. I just wish I’d been able to see the doctor I wanted because I can be so much more open with him about my fears—but he was away *sigh* and all I cared about at the time was getting my blood pressure checked. Thank you again for the reply and the support! I really appreciate it. *hug*

staple Thank you to you as well:D . I am still undecided, but veering towards leaving it and seeing if it goes away. Mainly because it really is ridiculous how I can manifest ‘symptoms’ that disappear as soon as I stop obsessing over them.

LeeBee Sincerely, thank you for the detailed reply! I had seen your earlier posts, but it’s so reassuring (obviously not for you at the time *blush*) to know that your symptoms at the time matched mine so closely. I do have some regular throat clearing needed, but not much as ten days or so ago—as I said I’ve been threatening a cold without breaking out with one for several weeks. I will definitely try the methods you’ve detailed. I did get some nasal spray on advice from the chemist (who also mentioned that sinus trouble is normally over both eyes) but he mentioned that the spray can suppress the immo system and as my meds can do that already I was reluctant to risk it with all of the winter bugs flying around at the moment. Anyway, thank you again. You’ve really helped me *big hugs*:hugs:

17-12-08, 16:44
Hi Helen!

Nice to meet another thyroid person (I had Graves' Disease a few years back, had radioiodine to treat it and now take Levothyroxine to replace the hormone).

Now then, do you suffer with thyroid eye disease at all? This could be one likely cause of your problems. I have mild eye disease, and although my eye tests have always been fine I sometimes notice differences in my eyes depending on if I'm tired, stressed or even dehydrated.

To address the question of what to do...well it sounds like a cop-out but only you know what will truly help. Maybe a compromise - how about asking to speak to your GP on the phone? That way it can just be an informal chat rather than the stress of an appointment in person. I do this lots to get test results and discuss small changes.

Whatever you decide, it will be the best option for you. I'm sure you're absolutely fine and it's just the cold, central heating and the stress of Christmas adding to your anxiety :hugs:

Best wishes,

Anna. x