View Full Version : Hi!

16-12-08, 14:23
Been reading through these forums a little today and thought I would sign up :)

I've been suffering from anxiety, panic attacks and depression for a few years now, I used to take meds but was off them for a couple of years, not been doing too well recently so went to the doc and she prescribed me diazepam and citalopram. Anxious to see how they work as I've read both positive and negative things about it! Was on amitriptyline in the past, didn't want to go on that again as it made me put on sooo much weight :(

I suffer from IBS too, but that's a whole different nightmare!

Anyway I've rambled, but hi! :flowers:

16-12-08, 14:25
hi and welcome to nmp, im sure you will find loads of great support and advice here and make new friends too.

my hubby suffers IBS so i know it can be awful
hugs to u xxxxx

16-12-08, 14:32
PS a quick question, is it possible to upload your own avatar or does it have to be one of the pre-selected ones? thanks :)

16-12-08, 14:36
Hi Stella

Welcome along to NMP :flowers:

If you pm nibbles or nomorepanic, one of them would be able to upload the avatar for you.


16-12-08, 14:47
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

16-12-08, 14:49
Thanks :D

16-12-08, 15:50
:yesyes: :yesyes: Welcome Stellabella :yesyes: :yesyes:

16-12-08, 17:11
Hi Stellabella

:welcome: to NMP.

Karen xx