View Full Version : Lump in my mouth

16-12-08, 14:45

I suffer with health anxiety. At the moment it is a lump in my mouth that I am worrying about. I went to the dentist yesterday and he miss understood where I said the lump was and said it was where my teeth met my gum, but I know it isn't, it is lower down than this behind my bottom teeth in the middle!And there is a other little lump with it! I didn't make a fuss as my 3 year old daughter was with me and also my partner and I was worried about them. Looking at other threads on this site has made me much calmer and I have made an appointment with my DR who is lovely, however I won't be able to see her until the 29th Dec. I want to be able to wait to see her as she is very easy to talk to but I am beginning to panic that I should see someone straight away. I am having CBT and I am supposed to stay with the feeling but this is very difficult. I suppose I would just like some reassurance that it probably isn't cancer and that I am doing the right thing by waiting to see my DR even though it may feel uncomfortable.

Thanks for reading this, it is a great comfort to know that there other people out there is who suffer the same 'thoughts'

16-12-08, 14:51
Hiya hun

Bet by the time of your doctors appointment, that little lump will have gone. I had one last week between the side of my tongue and my gum. Like you, my panic started to rise but after two days of rinsing my mouth with cooled pre-boiled salt water, the cleared up and has gone.

Lots of love
