View Full Version : headaches neckache

16-12-08, 14:57
hey guys i am new to this forum and have been sufferieng from anxiety for a while now, i seen to have neck ache and headACHES but not like ur usual headaches these ones last for a while and are on the top of my head, i feel fine in myself, can anyone who has had this or suggest anything to do in reagrds to this? driving me mad xx

16-12-08, 15:54
:yesyes: :yesyes: Welcome Selinahope :yesyes: :yesyes:

You could have a tension headache, that mainly sits on the top of your head and can feel like a tight rubber band around your head, i sometimes put a hot water bottle on the top of my head when i get this, it relaxes the muscles. Paracetomol doesnt work to well with tension headaches, the more you relax the quicker it will go. I used to get them all the time, but not so much now as ive stopped worrying about them, which in turn leaves me less tense. But the hot water bottle cured it every time for me.

Take care

16-12-08, 15:56
mine is like a dull ache at the top of my head and my neck aches and feels stiff its mad is that the same as what u had? xx

16-12-08, 16:02
Yes it sounds the same, mine felt dull and like it was pushing me down all the time. And my neck would go stiff because i was holding my neck so tense to compansate for my head. Use to make me feel really tired and grumpy !

16-12-08, 16:10
did u ever get dizzy?

16-12-08, 16:15
I can honestly say i thought i was dizzy, but looking back and to what happens now when i get them, i think it was the anxiety of my worrying that made me feel light headed. Now that i dont worry about them, when they do come, i no longer get the dizzy feeling, so i put it down to me bieng anxious and thinking i had a brain tumour ect . If that makes sense

16-12-08, 16:17
I just try and accept its just a normal tension headache, that anyone without anxiety gets also, and they treat just as a headache and it passes. I use to exagerate my headache into all sorts of ifs buts and what it could be, rather than just accepting it as a normal tension headache, as others without anxiety would do.

Have you been to the docs ?

16-12-08, 16:20
aint been the docs think i am just worrying for nothing i feel ok in myself hun seriously just cant shift this headache but i am having no problems sleepingor anythin x

16-12-08, 16:21
Just try not to worry to much, sure it will pass

16-12-08, 16:22