View Full Version : Worried About Myself and My Mum

Paper Star
16-12-08, 16:30
My mum (she's 48) has been having breathing problems lately. She's had a wheezing chest and a cough, and she's been saying she can taste a "copper" taste in her mouth.
She went to the doctor for the second or third time yesterday and he sent her straight away to have a chest x-ray.
She's convinced she has lung cancer so now I am, and I'm really worried about her. :sad:

And I've been having visual disturbances for a while. I keep seeing "blobs" that look kind of like a cross between what you see when you've looked at a light, and the "flashing lights" of a migraine.
I've made an appointment at the opticians (or at least my mum did, I couldn't) and now I'm panicking that something might be wrong with me too. My mind just screams "brain tumour" at me.

So I'm even more anxious than usual, more so about my mum - she's my rock. :sad:

16-12-08, 17:17
I am sorry to hear about your troubles. Have you spoke to your mum about things?

16-12-08, 17:54
Go and get your eyes sorted hun, an opticians is a good place for you to have your eyes examined especially the back of them and an opticians would note any changes in pressure, I am sure it is not a brain tumour, you just think the worst at the moment with all the worry about your mum,



16-12-08, 20:37
That same exact thing happened to me once with the lights! I know what you mean. I was at a family get together and was sitting on the floor chit-chatting and watching the TV when all of a sudden it felt like someone just took my picture. I stayed calm for a bit and kept blinking....thinking maybe I had been staring off and looking at a lamp or something and not even realized it. It didn't go away though so I started to freak and saying I wanted to go to the hospital because it felt like I couldn't see! My family and I left the party and it was about a 20 minute drive to get home but it was dark out...and as soon as I got into the car out in the dark and relaxed...it went away. I took my migraine medication just to make sure it wasn't a migraine coming on(a symptom I've never had but my mom gets).

Also, my best friend has been to the hospital twice in the last year for the same thing and both times they found nothing to be wrong and told her that they are just Occular(sp?) Migraines. Weird because she doesn't get regular migraines either.

So it's OK! If it keeps happening, get it checked out but really I think you are just fine. Hope you feel better!

Paper Star
16-12-08, 23:58
Thanks everyone for the support. :) I feel a lot calmer than I did earlier.

cheekycharlie: I had spoken to my mum not long before I made this thread, I think that's what made me wore worried.

HeatherMc: I have an appointment on Thursday. :)

girlrock: Thanks, you've really helped put my mind at rest.

Paper Star
21-12-08, 17:20
I went for my appointment, everything went fine (I even went into the room on my own for the first time).
But I have an appointment for this Tuesday to have eye drops put in. I hate things to do with eyes so am bricking it. :(