View Full Version : How Many Of Us Get Lightheaded or Dizzy and How Long?

16-12-08, 17:24
Just wanted to see how many of us has this problem cuz i know it can be a symptom of anxiety.
I've been lightheaded for 6 days now and its driving me CRAZY! How long can it last? How do i know if its serious? Am i gonna die cuz its a brain tumor or something else? What do i Do?

I must be going Mad!!!!!!!!!:weep:

16-12-08, 17:37
hey, i have only had health anxiety for about 9 weeks, i was light headed and dizzy for about a week on and off, anything would set it off, even sitting down. its just another sign of this dreaded anxiety!! xxx

16-12-08, 17:48

Fraid its one of the horrible anxiety symptoms hun, if you look on a few of the old threads you will see that people have been for brain scans and all sorts for them to come back clear, its not a brain tumour.

Sometimes we under estimate anxiety simply cannot believe that this a proper illness in its own right, we almost want it o be something physical that you can see or test for to justify why we feel so bad.

In my own experience it took me ages to accept that my own symptoms were anxiety I could not get my head around the fact that anxiety was causing all the distress. It seems to me that anxiety is very clever and can give you signs that there is something seriously wrong, ie if you are terrified of heart attacks you will notice symptoms connected to your heart ie palipations, if you are scared of strokes or brain related fatalities you will get headaches dizzy spells etc. The same applies to people terrified of cancer they will notice lumps and bumps, weight loss etc.

Hope this helps


16-12-08, 17:48
My current dizzy spell has lasted 11 days!!! All started feeling faint in a shop and has been on pretty much since then.....

Got the docs a week today for another check as its been a while since I've had to deal with this.

17-12-08, 01:42

It will go I had to learn to accept it and then it had no power. It used to scare the hell out of me. Its the old question did the symptom come before the anxiety or vise versa. Once you convince yourself that the dizziness is worse the more anxious you become you give your mind the ammunition to put it to the back of your mind and get on with life.

Keep on examining when it is worse and what you are thinking about when it is really bad. Also It might be an inner ear infection as there are many many viruses going around at the moment and my quack said some seem to be effecting the middle ear.


17-12-08, 17:24
It is normal, I sometimes get so lightheaded that my vision goes to greyscale.

20-12-08, 19:01
Thanks Y'all!:hugs:

I still have the lightheadedness but i'm trying to ignore it (SO hard to do).
I've read that alot of people have this so that helps alittle that i'm not alone.

Y'all Are Great:yesyes:

20-12-08, 19:39

Yes this dizzy and lightheaded feeling is another symptom of anxiety. I have had this on and off for sometime now and have to say it is the hardest of the symptoms to get rid of. I became partly agoraphobic because of this but now I just go out with or without the dizzies and just face it and the less attention you pay to it the easier it becomes. The more attention we give it the more power it has over our lives, I'm not saying it's easy to ignore it coz it isn't even now when I'm out shopping it still worries me a bit but I try to ignore it as much as I can.

I wish you luck overcoming this one.


20-12-08, 20:03
hi iv had this for wks now and like you i get scared

tayside lassie
20-12-08, 22:01
ive been dizzy off/on but more on for nearly 4 years now ..main cause is "labyrinthitis " of the ears ...but when anxiety and sometimes panic starts its a million times worse its a symptom that's stopped me going out many a time..

Adam Thompson
23-12-08, 19:24
im goin thru this at the moment (brain tumor stage lol)

ive had numbness, headaches and dizzyness for about 2 months.
im booked in for an MRI scan in a few months.

i dunno, sumtimes i convince myself its a tumor, other times its anxiety.

i try to remember for the past two years previous to this i was havin constant chest pain and teriified of heart attack which resulted in half a dozen trip to A&E, they found nothing wrong with my heart.

strangely since ive stopped havin chest pain and felt better i start with this
it must be anxiety huh?
altho i dont believe this and am scared to deat everday im goin to die of a tumor or stroke.

24-12-08, 01:40
I get this all the time and have pretty much convinced myself that's it's just the anxiety but how do you stop it? Like even though I know it's not a brain tumor it won't seems to stop. Anybody?

04-01-09, 05:39
I'm having this right now and have had periods of dizziness on and off for a year and a half or so. It is very very real, can be quite severe, but it really is anxiety. However, go get it checked out if you're really worried. I was only able to rest once i got checked out by multiple doctors over many months. Now I recognize what it is, and it doesn't bother me half as much as it used to.

05-01-09, 15:24
I was light headed for 2 and a half weeks, and it scared the hell outta me! I had NO idea it was anxiety. I thought it was low iron as Id had a baby a few months before, and when my blood tests said my iron was fine, I got even more worried. Im glad I know now what it is, and its comforting to see others have the same problem. I wish Id have known about this website, it would have been so reassuring.

05-01-09, 16:22
I do went through this very recently , for me it was more off balance like walking on a boat

I went to the doc a few times he said it was anxiety

However finding this link below convinced me


As soon as I stopped worrying it went away however it does come back.

My obsession now is my eyes are senstivie which has me worried sick still! The doc says again its the anxiety!!

05-01-09, 18:34
Thanks everyone for helping me be convinced this is anxiety:hugs: ,,,although i do hafta come here and read symptoms again and again to constantly remind myself that its most likely anxiety:yesyes: