View Full Version : OCD or not

16-12-08, 18:41
hello im new n i was just wondering if any1 could help im new & realise i should be posting this in the OCD forum but it wouldnt work anyways in the past i sufferred badley with panic attacks alone i was only 16 but i used to have thoughts that i had cancer etc & then after many other thoughts they escalated to fears of somthing happening to my family n then i thought i was mad because there was nothin physicaly wrong so i must be mental i.e i would then hurt my family or myself i think it got this bad cause i had to keep it to myself so my thoughts progressed, Anyway ive allways bin supperstisious but it doesnt really affect me its more wether i can be bothered bein superstitios that day or wotever if you see what i mean anyway 1 thing i used to do is touch wood wen i got these thoughts as i wouldnt wish bad on anyone anyway the thoughts have been gone for a long time now but i still sumtimes unconsiously touch wood like for nothin like its now just a habbit it doesnt desstress me i hav no thoughts with it unless i consciosly do it like in normal scenarios and it doesnt affect my life so is this bad habbit or OCD, thank you xx

16-12-08, 18:53
Hi Change

Welcome along to NMP :flowers:

Honey the only person that can diagnose OCD would be a doctor or Therapist. However my opinion would be No! You don't seem to do anything that is obsessive or compulsive. If anything then i would go along with anxiety as everything you describe there fits with an anxiety sufferer.

I would certainly recommend that you visit your GP for advice.

P.s you will aslo get lots of support and advice here!


16-12-08, 19:50
thank you i was just concerned because i do touch wood quite frequently and thought it might be obssesive plus i am quite a fidgety person but im just one of those people im high energy but thank you for your input xx

17-12-08, 12:53
hello and welcome to nmp, hope you find your way around ok and meet lots of people and get lots of support too.
hugs xxx

18-12-08, 17:22
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

20-12-08, 20:50

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

20-12-08, 21:45
Hi Change,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support. Lisa is right only doctors can really diagnose OCD.

Take care,
