View Full Version : Worrying about worrying!

16-12-08, 18:56
As strange as this may sound, does anybody every worry about what constant worrying is doing to their body/health? Or am I the only one?

16-12-08, 22:15
I am in that at this very moment. I don't know about yours, but mine goes in constant circles. Like what if what I'm going through isn't panic but something the doctors missed. What could I be worrying about to bring this all on for six months. NOt getting the answers is even more frustrating than attempting to relax and forget about it all. Even when I have a smooth morning, I'm always thinking, What's going to happen to mess this up, when will the next attack show up...etc.

Course, I have Crohns too, so it's like a double whammy. No stress, and yet, something has to be stressing me out to the point where I'm like this. But I guess we have to trust the doctors and what they think is best, which is what I'm having trouble with. New doctor and he sort of snapped at me last time, but we'll see x.x

Good luck with everything <3 and I hope we can all geta hande on this soon. Wish ya luck.

16-12-08, 22:36
Definitely. Apart from worrying that I'm just wasting my life with all the worrying/panic, I worry about my blood pressure going up all the time when I'm worried, and what that is doing to my health. Of course worrying about that probably pushes my blood pressure up. Can't win, eh :blush:.

16-12-08, 23:51
As strange as this may sound, does anybody every worry about what constant worrying is doing to their body/health? Or am I the only one?

Nope you're not the only one! I've been worrying all day about why I'm so worried all the time. For instance, just a little while ago, I got worried over this weird sensation I had in my throat...got that little sick feeling in my stomach and then I started worrying that me worrying made the weird sensation. This is driving me nuts. It's such a vicious circle and I hate it.

Take care,


17-12-08, 01:00

Yes me too. Fear of Fear! My shrink says its the one worry that is hard to deal with. I worry about what the worry is doing to my health, it's like a merry-go-round that I cant ever get off.


17-12-08, 02:52
Thank you everybody for your replies! Sometimes I feel like I must be the only person in the world that could possibly worry about worrying! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one!

Although when reading my original post, it sounded really silly and I got a good chuckle out of it.... :roflmao:

17-12-08, 02:56
Yes, indeed! This is exactly how I am! My recent bout of anxiety started because of school, then got some health problems from the anxiety, then more anxiety from the health problems, then the doctor's thinking there could be something else from new health problems, then back to worry about the health again.

Right now I'm extremely worried that I'm going to be a bundle of nerves for Christmas rather than my holly jolly self. I think its because I was terribly anxious and nauseous for Thanksgiving last month so now I'm scared that its going to be the same on Christmas. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the spirit of the holiday will lift me rather than make me feel panicked in rooms full of people! Especially when they are my own family, jeez! Then of course everyone will keep saying, "What's wrong, what's wrong what's wrong?" And the more people ask, the crazier you go. *Sigh*

But yes, I think we all can relate to the worrying about the worrying. Take care!

18-12-08, 00:44
This is one of my biggest struggles. I kid you not!!! I constantly dwell on the fact that all this worry and tension and stress is not good for my body. I worry about blood pressure and inflammation and the effect of it on the heart. I worry about headaches and blood pressure. I worry about tension in my shoulders and neck. It all ties into heart for me...I worry about all the things stress and anxiety are doing to my body, and how that is affecting my heart.
Its unbearable. You are in no way alone my dear....Its one of my biggest struggles.

18-12-08, 10:08
I worry about feeling sick, which makes me feel sick, which makes me even more worried and so it goes on. How rediculous :p

I also worry that I worry too much about things and the effect it has on my social life(!!) and others too...

Eva May
18-12-08, 12:47
I worry about the next thing I'm goin to start worryin about! Seems to be a new one everyday and it's like Im waiting for it. 'Get busy' as my boyfriend is always saying. Helps sometimes but very difficult mostly

19-12-08, 22:38
I worry about the next thing I'm goin to start worryin about! Seems to be a new one everyday and it's like Im waiting for it. 'Get busy' as my boyfriend is always saying. Helps sometimes but very difficult mostly

Thats what my partner says to me. But if I'm constantly busy I'm gonna burn out. Then i start worrying about burning out, but If i do chill out will people think i'm lazy.
I def go round n round n round. 'What if . . . '
