View Full Version : newbie

16-12-08, 19:16
hi. i am new to this website. my name's vicky i'm 23 year old mother of 2. my husband is ian. The problem started in july when i had severe upper stomach ache, doc rushed me to hospital thinkin galstones, i had ultrasound and x rays and everything was ok. went back to docs and he said stomach acid and he'd refer me for endoscope. that took 2 months of which i was xconvinced i was dying, feeling spaced out and dizzy the whole time. endoscope showed inflammation which explained chest pain and stomach pain. i still feel dizzy and spaced out, new doctor has done more blood tests due results this week. Also doctor noticed i have a pulse in my tummy(i always have and thought this was normal) but he seems concerened and has referred me for ultrasound. Any advice would be very welcome, Thanks in advance

16-12-08, 19:28
Hi Vicster

Welcome along to NMP :flowers:

I always thought it was normal to have a pulse in the tummy too so i am quite surprised by this.

Hang around hun as you will get lots of advice and support here.

Love Lisa


16-12-08, 19:39
i did too, i always have had it u can see my stomach go up and down about 2 inches above my belly button(when u read about heartbeat in belly) u end up with loads of information on anyrusm which is worrying anyway but my great gran died of one(though granted she was in her 80s and i am only 23). I am sure my previous ultrasound would have picked up on this, but i feel so panicky and very emotional. I have flu and chest infection at moment as does my daughter so thats prob not helping.

17-12-08, 11:10
hi vicky <waves>

there's loads of advice and people going through similar things here for advice and support for you

emms x

17-12-08, 12:46
hello and welcome to nmp, im sure you will find loads of great advice and support here and meet new friends too. hugs xxxx