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16-12-08, 19:23
hello im new n i was just wondering if any1 could help im new & realise i should be posting this in the OCD forum but it wouldnt work anyways in the past i sufferred badley with panic attacks alone i was only 16 but i used to have thoughts that i had cancer etc & then after many other thoughts they escalated to fears of somthing happening to my family n then i thought i was mad because there was nothin physicaly wrong so i must be mental i.e i would then hurt my family or myself i think it got this bad cause i had to keep it to myself so my thoughts progressed, Anyway ive allways bin supperstisious but it doesnt really affect me its more wether i can be bothered bein superstitios that day or wotever if you see what i mean anyway 1 thing i used to do is touch wood wen i got these thoughts as i wouldnt wish bad on anyone anyway the thoughts have been gone for a long time now but i still sumtimes unconsiously touch wood like for nothin like its now just a habbit it doesnt desstress me i hav no thoughts with it unless i consciosly do it like in normal scenarios and it doesnt affect my life so is this bad habbit or OCD, thank you xx


16-12-08, 19:55
funny, I was just having a conversation with my partner about my having developed an obsession to take food with me wherever we go. As long as I have a sandwich and a bottle of water I am ok, otherwise I fret!
He said, there are much worse obsessions to have in life, so taking food with me, is no worse than taking your phone, keys, purse etc. You would fret if you forgot one of those items just as much.
I think that your touching wood keeps you on a positive track and reassures you in a subconscious way. No harm in that!
Carry on

16-12-08, 20:01
thanx for the reply i was gettin a bit worried like my world might fall apart if i found out i had ocd lol!! i think it must be subconcious as i hav no thoughts with itt unless i say somthin bad i dont mean then i'll say touch wood but it doesnt affect me.. i do worry sometimes but i am generally a very positive person i think it is a reassurance thing maybe just telling myself everything is ok xx

16-12-08, 20:35
We all need a bit of reassurance sometimes and if we can get it by some 'weird' ritual we observe then hey ho LOL!
Keep smiling

17-12-08, 01:05
thanx for the advice xx