View Full Version : Can Colon Cancer grow in 18 months?

16-12-08, 20:54
Hi Everyone, I had a colonoscopy in June 2007 as I had some issues with blood on my stools...The doctor said I had a clear colon but thought I had a tear that had healed before the procedure.....I was so happy until about 2 months ago...I started getting the occassional constipation and about a week ago it really hurt as I pushed and I noticed a streak of blood on the stool and two drops on the TP....I'm freaking out and think it's anal or Colon cancer....My bum is really itchy too which i've seen could also be a sign of anal cancer...this has been going on for a month or so....Can colon cancer grow in 18 months or would it have shown up last time I had the colonoscopy? I've also noticed that after having a big movement by anus stings when I try to wash it..... Please doe's anyone have any advice? I'm at my wits end...There is no cancer in my family and I'm 27. Thanks Emma

16-12-08, 21:00
Hi Ems,

It's perfectly normal to have a bit of blood on the stoll if you're constipated. it probably comes from a small fissure just at the entrance of the anus. The doctor can prescribe you with some steroids: that should enable quick healing of the sore area.

Take great care,


16-12-08, 21:10
What colour is the blood? If it is fresh red blood you have nothing to worry about but if your stools turn black you should go back to your doctor.

16-12-08, 21:19
It's bright red blood the same as 18 months ago...... I went to the docs yesterday. He said I probably have a fissure but didn't examine me to see for certain. I will go back in a few days if it is still happening....I'm such a hypochondriac. I must have been to the docs about 15 times in the last two years...I don't understand why I'm like this...I have an identical twin sister who isn't like this....My mum is such a worrier and always thinks the worst. I probably get it from her.... How often should one person have a colonoscopy? Do you think I should have another one considering the last one was only 18 months ago and was clear? Can cancer grow in that short time?

16-12-08, 21:41
I have no idea how often you should have one or if cancer can grow that quickly but I think if your doctor was concerned he would have examined you. I really don't think you have anything to worry about.

16-12-08, 21:45

That sounds like piles to me hun. The piles grow just inside your bum and when you strain to do the toilet, they can bleed and be so damn itchy. I had this really bad after having my son and off and on since. I don't think it's anything to do with cancer as you are describing fresh blood. Either talk to your GP or pharmasist hun and they can help you will options!

Love Lisa


07-01-09, 11:05
Hi. Colon cancer is one of my great terrors, and I have read far too much about it. So here goes:

By far the commonest type of colon cancer is adenocarcinoma, which develops from a bowel polyp. This process is VERY slow. For a polyp to develop from normal bowel wall takes several years. For the polyp to grow to a substantial size takes several more. For cancer to develop inside the polyp (which it might never do) takes several more years. Where colonoscopies are recommended, as far as I know they are only recommended once every five to ten years. If you had a colonoscopy 18 months ago, I would say that your chances of having even a polyp are close to nil.