View Full Version : Need some advice and help plz thx.

16-12-08, 21:21
Ok, been having what's been labled as panic attacks for the last six months. I'[ve bee given meds and have been too afraid to take them, which is funny I know. But after reading the labels and stuff, I've totally frozen. My biggest problem seems to be breathing, I get tingling in hands and feet, face and can't seem to draw in enough air. Sometimes I get the tightness in throat, chest thing and I've found it's getting to the point where watching my two children is making me even more afraid. Cause of fear of passing out.

Recently, I've been given Kefflex...antibiotics, which I needed cause of having a tooth pulled. Abcessed. Then I wound up in the er twice because of low potassium which Ive spoken to my dentist, and he says, Kefflex can cause diarreahea which can lead to potassium problems and I'm all stressed out and unsure how to handle things. If It's been six months with this..it would have to be panic attacks or generalized anxiety, right? I mean...I'm just struggling to keep going day by day and not even sure what catergory to put this under.

Does anyone find they have trouble breathing alot for a long period of time. Most people I speak with say their panic attacks go away after 10-15 minutes when mine just get progrssively worse, until I take a Xanax which takes an hour, hour and a half to kick in anymore. They're .5 tablets. Just getting so sick of struggling and anyone who has a story or problem similiar to mine would be a big help. I'm new to this panic attack, anxiety thing, 6 months, but everyday with no rest is kinda crazy don't you think? X.x

Help please and thanks in avance.I mean, I try busying myself. controlling my breathing and nothing, been through med tests 6 months ago, I just don't know what to do. Isn't there a medication that might help without all the possible bad side effects or being weened off of them? Thanks again x.x Just having an attack now, so I'll finish my dishes hopefully and check back, I just really... need an answer. x.x And how everything can just come on like it has...worries me even more. Unless being afraid of dying in the er before made me a nervous wreck, I just don't know anymore.

16-12-08, 21:55
Hi Magik,

Try to do breathing exercises when you're not panicking, to get you prepared when you start to feel anxious.

1) Sit or lay comfortably
2) Breath in for four seconds (through the nose)
3) Hold your breath for two seconds
4) Release the breath taking 6 seconds (though the nose as well)
5) Pause slightly before breathing again

Make sure that you are using a stomach breathing style rather than a chest brathing style (you can place one hand on your stomach while controlling your breathing).

Take great care,


16-12-08, 22:12
Is it better maybe to lay on your stomach when doing that? I need to start CBT therapy or something, I chickened out of that too, because they'd be looking for triggers and I have this weird fear it's something I locked away since childhood or a recent nervous breakdown I've had recently. Thank for the reply, the Xanax at least is helping me not panic so much. xx

Course getting my dishes done and dinner finished should help me realize this isnt life threatening, the mind sometimes just wants to worry about everything anymore I think x.x

Thanks alot, appreciate it.

18-12-08, 13:09
The breathing technique that worked for me was:
1) put both hands on your stomach
2) feel your stomach rising up and down
3) concentrate on this for however long it takes you to feel comfortable
This should transfer and control the breathing.
Also, if you can, try going to the gym (without becoming obsessed with it) helps keep mine away.
Hope it helps! :)

Veronica H
19-12-08, 21:37
You could try this advice from Dr Claire Weekes...

'A good exercise to stop rapid shallow breathing: lie flat on the floor or bed, bend knees and bring legs close to your body, keeping feet flat on the ground. Then place arms across chest, right hand grasping left shoulder, left hand grasping right shoulder. This produces abdominal breathing'.

This is caused by chest muscles tightening do to anxiety, which makes us feel we cannot breathe...Dr Weekes also says 'do not let it frighten you. Breathe as shallowly as you feel you must, but donot be concerned with what will happen because you breathe this way.Your respiritory centre will see that you inspire enough air, despite your effort to hinder it'.:yesyes:

Best wishes

19-12-08, 23:34
now that sounds like something that might very well work for me, thank you, Veronica! I really want to get one of her books too, but I heard something might be available to dl here as well, need to check the space on my computer and see what I can do, I do not wanna do another six months of this, but I thank you VERY MUCH for this idea. <3

Sounds perfect for me to get my mind off of the breathing thing when it's happening.