View Full Version : my story

17-12-08, 09:12
hi. i am new to this website. my name's vicky i'm 23 year old mother of 2. my husband is ian. The problem started in july when i had severe upper stomach ache, doc rushed me to hospital thinkin galstones, i had ultrasound and x rays and everything was ok. went back to docs and he said stomach acid and he'd refer me for endoscope. that took 2 months of which i was xconvinced i was dying, feeling spaced out and dizzy the whole time. endoscope showed inflammation which explained chest pain and stomach pain. i still feel dizzy and spaced out, new doctor has done more blood tests due results this week. Also doctor noticed i have a pulse in my tummy(i always have and thought this was normal) but he seems concerened and has referred me for ultrasound. Any advice would be very welcome, Thanks in advance

17-12-08, 09:17
:yesyes: :yesyes: Welcome Vicster :yesyes: :yesyes:

17-12-08, 10:39
welcome to this site :) I am sorry you have all this worry but hopefully you will have some answers soon.

I have always had a pulse in my tummy (can see my tummy moving) and noone has ever queried it - Im sure your doctor is just being overcautious :hugs:


17-12-08, 19:06
Hi and welcome! I also watch my tummy go up and down with my pulse!

17-12-08, 20:12
I know what the doctor means sometimes i can see my sromach pulsating and it goes through to my back, but surely if it was anything serious it would be there all the time. I think it might be when i am anxious its worse as i can just see a normal regular beat in my stomach now

17-12-08, 23:40
Please tell us how it goes at the doctor. Im sure so many of us have that stomach pulse. I know I do...
Im sure you will be fine, but please come back and tell us how it went.
Also...what ever came of the inflamation? In your upper stomach and chest? You said it showed inflamation after the endoscopy? Did the pain go away? Do you know why its inflamed?
Hope you are well......Welcome to the site. You are lucky, they are so many good and helpful people here. This is the best place for you to be, my dear.
Take care,
Katie Darling

House fan
18-12-08, 08:56
Hi Vicster, I'm sorry to hear of your problems, and I can understand your anxieties at this time.

By the sounds of it, you have a thorough GP, which is great news for you. So many in the medical profession are too quick to dismiss our symptoms, especially when we are bothered with our nerves. Your GP wants to rule everything out, which is the right thing to do in your case.

A pulsing sensation in your abdomen is actually quite common, especially when we are sensitized with our nerves, the fact that you have always had it suggests to me that it's not that important. The GP wants to rule out a condition called abdominal aortic aneurysm, which is the dilation of one of the arteries. This condition is more common in young men than in women, and I don't want you to start worrying about it because the chances of you having this are extremely slim. Your GP simply wants to rule it out, which is the right thing to do.

Remember, you have always had this sensation, and I trust it has never interfered with your life so far, so it's probably nothing, I just wish that there were more GP's in our country who were as professional as yours.


18-12-08, 09:31
Welcome to NMP!

Like the other posters have said - you will get a lot of support and comfort off the other members here.

All the very best!

18-12-08, 09:32
Yeah I am happy he has sent me for the test i just worry about the wait. I know exactly what ur talking about as thats why i feel scared as my great gran died when her aortic aneurysm burst(though she was in her 80's not 23 like I am). I feel alot more relaxed about it now and just see it as confirmation there is nothing wrong with me. I didnt mention the pulse thing it was the doctor who noticed it and referred me on. But because i have had stomach probelms i did have an ultrasound in july which was fine and 5 other doctors have checked my stomach and never noticed anything so perhaps my pulse was just really quick last week when the dcotor noticed it as i was stressed as my whole faamily had flu and the surgery was hot and i just wanted to get antibiotics for my chest infection and get the kids home lol. Thanks again for your help