View Full Version : Coming off Citalopram

17-12-08, 12:35
I have been taking predominantly 20mg citalopram for 6 years and have put on 3 dress sizes as a result, the weight issue is really getting me down and so I've decided to come off the citalopram. I've had no side effects by reducing down to 10mg so far however, if I have missed a tablet for whatever reason I have experience awful head crunching and dizziness. I inted to reduce gradually down to 5mg and then to none and I'm really worried about the side effects. Has anyone else had the weight problem taking citalopram and has coming off them helped?

17-12-08, 14:13
I have not put on any weight being on Citalopram. I've been on it for 8 years now and I've not found it to affect my appetite in anyway but thats just my experience with them.

And yes..they do give the ole head crunch when you miss a tab or two, it kind of reminds me of when I hit my elbow, you know the funny bone bit.. only its the back of my head!.. very odd... and not pleasant.

As for coming off them..my advice would be to take it slow and don't rush it. I have not been successful in doing such yet but don't let that put you off. Everyone is different and if you feel ready and you want to give it a go then go for it and of course hopefully your Doc will keep you monitored on how you're doing also.. :)