View Full Version : this is ridiculous....

17-12-08, 13:30
this is absolutely ridiculous, i seem to have settled on me having cancer at the moment but mrs anxiety is now saying 'ok so you havent got cancer but your kids have' i cant believe it i dont know what to do

all last night and this morning ive been mole hunting my poor kids,i dont want them worrying like me its not fair

my daughter has moles they are like mine a light brown mostly whereas my son has darker moles and some are raised which are in the same place more or less as his dads so it my rational mind my daughter is like me and my son is like his dad

but oh no my anxiety mind is saying the one on my sons back which is smack in the middle of his back is skin cancer oh my god,when will this stop
it has perfect borders, i can feel it a little when i run my finger over it but i wouldnt say it is totally raised and its a dark brown colour and obviously he is 11 so he is growing so the mole will probably grow with him

i cant believe im thinking like this my son has said to me 'stop worrying mum its a mole'

can anyone give me reassurance please??

he has been abroad 3 times and never got burnt he doesnt tan very well either and i always put at least factor 30-50 on him


17-12-08, 13:41
hiya matey, your kids are fine and its very unlikely at there age that they would ever get skin cancer or anything like that hun, please dont panic they r fine.

you have got yourself into a anxious state and over thinking and its making u worse. matey you wont have cancer sweetie again its u worrying and u gotta try and tell yourself that its just your anxiety thats making u feel this way.

i know its hard but stay busy and dont let your mind wonder, think back to wot your counsellor would tell you to do too.
hugs xxxx

17-12-08, 14:12
hey hunny, i agree with donna, it is so rare that ur kids would have skin cancer, it is ur anxiety running riot!! i no its easier said than done, but try not to let anxiety win xx

17-12-08, 14:17
I know how you feel Jennie - my anxiety started out with a mole on my 16 year old daughters arm that I had forgotten all about and I asked to look at it and I was immediately convinced it was cancerous because it was all uneven and dark brown. She has had it since she was a baby and it's obviously gone bigger and bigger. I worried myself sick over it - although I didn't tell her. I took her to the doctors and I had an appointment there too which happened at the same time because my appointment was late. She went to see the doctor who is a sort of specialist doctor on moles at our surgery and he asked her a few questions and then said that the mole was absolutely fine.:blush:

I am sure your sons mole is fine especially with it being even.:hugs:

17-12-08, 16:30
i had an appointment at drs tonight for a review on how im doing,
i explained to her about his mole, she had a look and said it was absolutely fine and not to worry,

thank you for everyones replies

17-12-08, 17:11
aww welldone jennie i saw your email not long ago so i am pleased for you and i hope its put your mind at rest now hun.

hugs xxxx