View Full Version : Bloodrush to the feet

17-12-08, 16:00
Hi all,

Its been a while since I posted a health anxiety but as I have one at the moment and couldn't find anything similar via searching I thought I would post it. I noticed this at the weekend and since last night I have been noticing it more. When I stand I notice my feet very quickly are going red- the skin that is. They can get very hot and even burn. This stays and doesn't seem to go. I've also noticed its more intense in the mornings and last thing at night.

I don't spend much time on my feet which I presume is the problem and have no doubt that when I do this is the blood rushing to my feet. I just wonder if it is normal. I've, stupidly, googled concerning circulation problems and most of what I can find says that circulations problems tend to make your feet go white or blue and cold rather than red and hot. The only things I can find concerning this are to do with sore feet from walking and the like.

I just wanted to know if anyone has experienced this before. For a while there I was floored with a bug so was not getting out on my walks and basically on my back or backside all day. That would have contributed and I am hoping now that I am starting to go on my walks again this will right itself.

All the best


18-12-08, 12:09
Hi Nechtan
I think the problems are due first to vasoconstriction of your feet due to anxiety and probably the colder weather, then with walking around your circulation vasodilates so opening the microcirculation and so the reddening and burning sensation. A bit like the feeling with frostbite. In my experience start getting concerned if you feel very painfull crampy like pains in your lower legs with exercise as that is due to claudication and needs investigating by your doctor.

If I was you put it all down to lack of fitness and the associated anxiety, when you feel better get back to the walking and hopefully things will start to improve again. Remember you have done it before, you can do it again but the important message is acceptance and dont worry.

All the best

18-12-08, 12:44
Hi Ron,

Thanks as always for the informative reply. That has really put my mind at rest and I will see how things go over the next week or so since I have started my walks again.

I think you are right about the anxiety. This problem has probably been there longer but has got worse since I noticed it- it can feel like an irritation sometimes now. It does seem to go away during the day and doesn't look half as bad in natural light- I think the artificial light makes it look redder than it actually is.

I can't also help thinking it has something to do with this bug I has as it seems to have appeared at the tail end of that and might me still in my system. I'll up the walks this week and see if that helps. I've had no cramping as yet so touch wood its not something to concern myself about at the moment.

All the best
