View Full Version : How long?

17-12-08, 16:21
How long does it take for meds to work generally?? or to fully kick in?

17-12-08, 17:52
Depends what you are now on and on the dosage.

My reading suggests that most of the SSRI anti depressants take weeks rather than days to give maximum benefit. The side effects can emerge in the first days, often at their worst, because your brain chemistry will be taking a bit of a kicking.

Take a look in the appropriate Meds forum below this one. You may find existing info or better replies there. Some of the meds have good leaflets if you look through them, but they vary a bit on repackaged meds.

17-12-08, 20:17
The ones I've been on have taken 3-4 weeks to really start working. But it can take longer up to 6 weeks I think. It depends on the type etc.

Its worth sticking with them though for a bit! I nearly changed mine because I thought they were not doing anything. I even got as far as a prescription for different ones. But decided I really didn't want to go through side effects of a new drug, when I'd only just got used to the ones I was on!

It was the right decision for me. Within a couple of weeks I felt SO much better! So glad I stuck with them!

Mabel xxx

17-12-08, 20:32
side effects can be worse than the problem itself to begin with but thats normally a sign they are getting into your system - usually effects have gone by 5-6 weeks so its worth persevering and sticking through the horrible first few weeks xx