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27-06-05, 14:00
It never rains in my life but pours!
I've now lost my job yet again. The company I work for is having a merger and streamlining staff numbers. Basically, I am last in and first to go.

Its more hassle and this feeling of failure that I could do without.

I feel it is time to move to a better place, life has thrown too many hurdles for me to climb, I want to end it and be at peace.

27-06-05, 17:11
So sorry to hear this. It is very harsh the ease at which these companies get rid of people. Do you have any ideas what jobs you could look into? :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

27-06-05, 18:10

sorry to hear about the job,
Try not to look at it as a failure, there's nothing you could have done, I'm sure there are other jobs you could go for and you never know you may enjoy more, i know its always hard starting a new job,

I do hope things work out for you take care

kairen x

27-06-05, 20:02
Hey it is not your failure atall.

They did not sack you or anything so please try to remember that - it was NOT your fault ok?

Hope something else turns up for you soon.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

27-06-05, 22:57
So sorry to hear that.

You are not a failure at all. It wasn't your fault please don't think that it was.

It's just life throws crap at us sometimes huh!

Take care and good luck in your search you never know you might find an even better job!!!!

Take Care,


27-06-05, 23:23
Escapology - sorry to hear this news

Whilst it does affect you very personally your redundancy was not a personal descision , Its just corporate world at work- unfortunate and appears callous but an everyday occurance these days. They will be able to give you a reference saying it was a redundancy and not anything poersonal which wiull stand you in a better stead for another job.

Doesn't help the upheaval and uncertainty though


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-06-05, 08:10
Hey Esca, it wasn't your fault that you lost your job. You said yourself that the company was operating a policy of 'last in, first out' so it had nothing to do with your abilities, which remember, are good enough for the company to have hired you in the first place.

Try to keep your head up, there are many people on here who are already offering you support and advice. They have already (yourself included) made me realise that there is light at the end of the tunnel, so please take onboard whatever they say.

Take care,
Alan x

28-06-05, 08:34
Thanks for all your replies and support.

It is all the upheavel, hassle, fight to get another job and all of this on top of what I am already having to cope with. Life sucks.

Sue K with 5
28-06-05, 09:34
This could be a good opportunity for you to step back and take a look at what you would really like to do with your life - I know money is the root to all evil and that having a job feeds and pays the bills but there could be so much more that you want to achieve so maybe this is a good time for you to look at how you want to move forward and you have nothing to lose by trying

Good luck

sue with 5 children


28-06-05, 10:57
This is the best job I have had since I relocated to London. A few fasle starts and this one was the job that was perfection in every way! The role, the money, the people, the office....... now I have nothing.

Back to square one and the fight I have left in me is gone, it is just a matter of time before I leave here and finally have peace in my life.

28-06-05, 12:51

Its still good as you now have experience and a reference saying you can do this job so will have extra strengths on your side for when you apply for a similar job.

It is a real PITA but you are in a better position than you were a few months ago. Keep hold of what has gone well.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...