View Full Version : Denise

17-12-08, 20:38
:weep: Hello im a newbee and very depressed i am a quiet suffer who has mastered an outer appearance to all to see but inside i am in pieces. this has been going on since childhood and i am now 40. I had a unhappy/ violent childhood when my mum remarried and this went on for 2 years and it has left me not liking who i am, i have not looked after myself and my teeth are horrible i have six broken teeth and gaps all over the place and it is now affecting my outer appearance this now affects my inner turmoil. i desperately want to get my teeth fixed so that the outer appearance for all to see is back on par so my inner turmoil can subside. I am married with 2 children and even the mask is on for my husband who does not have a clue what im going through as this is my choice. but i want to go to a dentist but am not registered and i am panicing about registering with one and having to open my mouth i desperately want my teeth taken out and to be looked at as normal and not people looking at my teeth when i talk. Sorry if i am waffling but its just coming out all in one go. We have no money spare for me to go to a private dentist and im not sure what the costs would be for an nhs dentist if there is one i could register with. i dont know what i am asking from anyone but i desperately needed to talk with someone who dont know me.

Diane O'Brien
17-12-08, 20:51
Hello Denise

:welcome: Please Denise confide in someone and talk so people will know how u feel. You say u try and put a happy face with people. Try and reach out and get help Denise. If its to hard to chat with your husband then a health professional or someone u need support hun. I,m not gonna mention the teeth because the inner turmoil needs the treatment u know, u sound like a intelligent lady so I think deep down you know that.

U can always PM me u know, if it helps a little.

Take Care Denise.
Diane xxx

17-12-08, 21:13
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

i also grew up in a violent house hold so know the effect it can have on you as a person. then later on got involved with a violent man myself who i got rid of as soon as i could, i wasnt about to let daughter have my childhood. i have always tried hard not to let these events effect me.
as for the teeth i can understand why you would want them fixing try the NHS website to find your nearest NHS dentist.

17-12-08, 22:22
For the dentistry you probably want to start here: http://www.nhs.uk/AboutNHSservices/dentists/Pages/DentistsSummary.aspx

I meant to add that according to their site:
The maximum charge for a complex course of treatment is £198*. Its also possible to get it free if you meet the correct criteria.

The hard thing is getting an NHS dentist place in some parts of the country. If its affecting you badly your GP might be able to refer you for treatment?!?!

As others have said you may not find that the appearance stuff is enough. You may need to seek some help - either by reading and asking on sites like this one or by seeing your GP and getting a referal for some degree of counsilling or therapy. Your past won't let go without some extra help.

18-12-08, 17:29
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

20-12-08, 16:13
Hi Denise
:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:


20-12-08, 17:18
Hi Denise

It is good that you have found the site because I think it will help you to talk to others who understand how you are feeling. You will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


20-12-08, 20:47
Hi Denise,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,
