View Full Version : Heart flutter and coughing does anyone else get this?

17-12-08, 21:52
I have had 9 weeks off work due to stress and thought I was doing really well, been back at work for 3 weeks and am experiencing my heart thumping in my throat, a bit like when you get an adrenaline rush, this has become more frequent, lasts around 2-3 seconds before subsiding and has started to give me an uncomfortable feeling in my throat making me want to cough. I have no chest pains but am short of breath, dizzy and am becoming frightend to do anything physical in case its my heart. I get it more when I come home from work and relax, I'm trying to ignore it but have just looked symptoms up on the internet and scared myself half to death. Thing is I've already been back to the doctor because I thought I had lung cancer because of pain in my back and shoulder's which turned out to be because I was so tense I had sent my muscles into spasm's, I don't want to go to the doc's again as I feel I'll look like an idiot.

17-12-08, 23:17
Hi Laura,
Do you think you may have gone back to work too soon? Only six weeks off? These problems take time to recover from, I have been poorly for five months, but the biggest thing for me was to accept that it will take time. However long as Claire Weekes says!
Don't rush back to work if you feel your subconscious cant cope with it...have some time out.

21-12-08, 00:00
hiya, i have similar feelings/symptons to those you have described. I had a period of 10 wks of work 5 years ago so i know how hard it can be to get back into a daily routine. Trouble is, once you are back at work and showing no signs of "physical illness" everyone just accepts you are back at work and fit. with hindsight i know that i went back a little too soon and perhaps you have too...? would your employers consider a phased return , perhaps doing half days for a couple of weeks to build yourself up gently. From what you have said and likening it to my own situation it sounds like you are still coping very much with the daily battle with anxieties and it will take time to get on track, but you must give yourself time and not be hard on yourself.

Best of luck with everything
K x

21-12-08, 07:14
Do you get them at the same time? Like, heart skipping beats and thumping followed by coughing until it's over? I got exactly the same thing and went to the doctors - it was completely due to anxiety and the more you worry about it and focus on it, the worse it'll feel.

Google is evil! It always comes up with the most serious conditions possible.

I don't know whether this'll put your mind at rest, but here goes: Over the past 6 months I have searched to check symptoms and the actual problem has been very different to the stuff that the internet came up with:

Meningitis (thought this 3 times) - it was a cold

Heart problem/attack (thought this 4 times) - it was anxiety

I thought my kidneys were failing - it was a urinary tract infection

Stomach cancer - sickness bug

Appendicitis (thought this 4 times) - it was actually nothing. I went to hospital because I got so worked up about it and I was slightly dehydrated.

Asthma (8 times, went to hospital once) - it was anxiety

Schizophrenia - actually an anxiety disorder

I hope that has convinced you that Google isn't reliable.

Take care :flowers:

21-12-08, 13:42
I have had 9 weeks off work due to stress and thought I was doing really well, been back at work for 3 weeks and am experiencing my heart thumping in my throat, a bit like when you get an adrenaline rush, this has become more frequent, lasts around 2-3 seconds before subsiding and has started to give me an uncomfortable feeling in my throat making me want to cough. I have no chest pains but am short of breath, dizzy and am becoming frightend to do anything physical in case its my heart. I get it more when I come home from work and relax, I'm trying to ignore it but have just looked symptoms up on the internet and scared myself half to death. Thing is I've already been back to the doctor because I thought I had lung cancer because of pain in my back and shoulder's which turned out to be because I was so tense I had sent my muscles into spasm's, I don't want to go to the doc's again as I feel I'll look like an idiot.

Hey, Laura...it could be stress from getting back to work? If it makes you feel better to go to the dr then go! Don't let embarrassment or anything keep you from doing what gives you peace of mind.

My heart flutters a lot but I know it's from anxiety and probably smoking too. I'm starting to wonder just how much smoking is affecting me apart from the normal issues smoker's get. Think I'll start a thread about that lol

You probably notice it more at home when you're relaxed because your mind isn't as busy as when you're at work. For me when I lie down I notice a lot of sensations in my body and if it gets to much to where I'm getting anxiety about them I make myself turn on the tv or read to occupy my room.

You'll be fine!

Take care,


21-12-08, 18:35
The worst thing you can do is to look up your symptoms on the internet- it always gives you the worst case scenario and actually if you type in your symptoms a panic attack never comes up even though this is what it is so DO NOT rely on the internet for this. You will be fine and you will get better again. Everyone has their own way of dealing with it so find the way that works best for you. With regards to the doctors, i think you have to be persistent with them on how bad you feel and what it is coz most of them do not understand. If you want to see a therapist tell them- they may want to carry out tests first to eliminate other minor illnesses as possibilitites- anemia, thyroid problem so try not to worry but after this they will or should give you the help you've asked for.
Hope you're ok :-)

David Gamage
22-12-08, 12:47
its quite normal to have heart flutters to put your mind at rest i had ecg they told me it was due anxiety try cutting in down caffeine might help also treat yourself to a massage really relaxing take care dave

22-12-08, 14:02
Hello to all, first I would like to say that I am a new member. Reading your post's made me happy because I too am experiencing anxiety. It is new for me and I have a lot of questions. I also get these flutters and im scared that my heart will stop beating!!! I am starting to accept it more as just being anxiety and all you have helped with that. Also, my therapist said NEVER look something up on the internet!!!! I have several times and scared myself to death!!!! :)