View Full Version : My Anxiety Story

18-12-08, 03:04
Hi,:) I am a new user, and after reading some personal stories, I don't feel so alone ansd isolated, theres others like me! I am 26 and I have Post Tramatic Stress Disorder but the anxiety attacks are the main problem. I have had this since a tramatic event happened to me in 2002. I tried my best to get on with my life after it happened, the best way I knew how, by this I mean clubbing/pubs, partying, some serious drinking, anything for a good time, as long as It blocked everything out, plus It calmed my anxiety symptoms down, until I was sober of course! I got a job up London and really tried to start again, block things out, change myself, not sure, but soon enough I was finding it difficult using public transport, and had a bit of a Panic Attack on the train on the way home, It really scared me , I hadn't had one since 2002 and that first panic attack I had teriffied me, I didn't know what was happening until I got to hospital and a nurse explained everything to me. so after that happened I got a job nearer to where I live thinking It would be easier to cope with, I struggled with it, and eventually I went to a councellor for help, and in my opinion made the situation worse as she was not qualified in anxiety problems. My boyfriend at the time suggested a break, so we went to Devon, there I had a really bad Panic Attack on a boat, I totally lost control and tried to jump of the boat! I can laugh now about it, but it was awful and embrassing at the time, but my confused boyfriend was great and understanding. After that it contined to get worse, and early this year I referred myself for help at a local mental health place as nowhere was helping me, I got diagnosed, and receiving the right treatment now. Even though I have only started on this journey to try and get better, and its hard work, its frustrasting, I,m still not confident to go out on my own incase I have a panic attack, some days I ask, why me? will I be like everyone else one day? but I try and remain positive, and if I have a bad day, theres always tomorrow. The one thing I'll never do Is give up, and thats the key.

18-12-08, 03:10
Hello :)
I hope peace finds you!
I might suggest some calming classical music, or perhaps some yoga or other spiritual exercises.
Seems you just need a chance to let things slow down!
Everyone is strong deep down within themselves and sooner or later that strength will emerge in all of us.

18-12-08, 17:32
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Next time you are on a boat wear some water wings lol

Glad to have you along

Pooh x

20-12-08, 16:10

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:


20-12-08, 20:39
Hi Louise,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,
