View Full Version : panic attacks

18-12-08, 04:02
Hello all I am new to this site and would like to hear from other people in the same boat as me.
I have noticed since I was retrenched I have been getting panic attacks, its a worry and scarey,when I was working and busy nothing bothered me my health good, and now with alot of time on my hands I am noticing I am worrying over the smallest things, I had probs with my eyes, blurred vision, lights, floaters, and occular migraines, now for ever and a day I worry that I am going blind, it is silly, I have had all the tests to see, and only to say yes you have floaters, and no you arent going blind.
My grandfather was blind, I never met him he died before I was born, I am 40 now. I have this fixation about my eyes, its sounds crazy does'nt it?
I am glad I am returning to work nextyear after xmas, I do need glasses for reading, but thats it, have dry eyes.
I need to hear from other people am I the only one with this issue with the eyes?
thankyou for your time.

18-12-08, 13:17
Hi there, the first thing I want to say is that you are not being silly, when in panic mode what we feel seems real and for that time it is. I used to have panic attacks in my twenties, going to the local shop was a major hurdle, however I am a lot better now and it is good that we can share experiences on this site which can help others.
Two points I would suggest are that perhaps it is because of the change in your circumstances that the brain still wishes to be active so has to adjust, also I totally get the idea that you worry about going blind when in panic, I used to do that too or it was fear of fainting, I found out that when in a panic state, it is the thing you fear most that comes to the forefront of your mind, so it is not silly.
What could help, keeping active, relaxation or hypnotherapy for getting to sleep and reinforcing the positive thoughts to reduce so called panic, and knowing that you are not alone and will get better, all the best Stephen.

18-12-08, 17:35
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

18-12-08, 18:01
Hi prudent, your story is similar to mine. I've been suffering panic and anxiety since I was about 8 years old (I am now 35).

After my daughter was born, due to hormones or whatever, I began getting migraines with auras. They resemble your symptoms, with the floaties, the blurred vision. They also produce numbness, confusion and anxiety.

Because of my history with panic and anxiety, it took two months to be diagnosed with the auras, because my husband and family just thought it was chalked up to panic. I guess that bugs me a lot. Not being taken seriously because everything that is wrong with me is automatically due to anxiety or panic.

Yes, I am a hypochondriac in many ways, but I also do get real symptoms as well just like anyone else.

Bottom line, you are not alone. Though I am sure you feel that way often times. I know I do. : )

Hello all I am new to this site and would like to hear from other people in the same boat as me.
I have noticed since I was retrenched I have been getting panic attacks, its a worry and scarey,when I was working and busy nothing bothered me my health good, and now with alot of time on my hands I am noticing I am worrying over the smallest things, I had probs with my eyes, blurred vision, lights, floaters, and occular migraines, now for ever and a day I worry that I am going blind, it is silly, I have had all the tests to see, and only to say yes you have floaters, and no you arent going blind.
My grandfather was blind, I never met him he died before I was born, I am 40 now. I have this fixation about my eyes, its sounds crazy does'nt it?
I am glad I am returning to work nextyear after xmas, I do need glasses for reading, but thats it, have dry eyes.
I need to hear from other people am I the only one with this issue with the eyes?
thankyou for your time.

19-12-08, 00:36
Hi hun :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site.

There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you




19-12-08, 01:07
I too have panic attacks!
I have been a member for about 3 days and to be honest, just knowing that there are more people out there with the same issues is so much a relief that it eases the attacks themselves.
Lots of kind hearted people here!

20-12-08, 20:59

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

20-12-08, 21:50
Hi Prudent,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,
