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View Full Version : Gladular Fever - but not convinced!

18-12-08, 09:38
I have been sick on and off for the last month or so with a sore throat, swollen neck glands (which are sometimes sore and sometimes not but make me feel like someone is choking me)and mild tiredness (and two days of horrible fatigue)

My GP kept telling me it was tonsilitis and giving me antibiotics. I did query glandular fever a few times - but the answer was no.

So last Saturday my glands swell up again and throat is killing me - now she thinks I have GF! I had a blood test today and have to wait for the results but as you would all be well aware the wait is killing me!

I am not convinced that I have GF as I am not exhausted all the time like others get. I am convinved that I have got something deathly like neck or throat cancer. When I blow my nose there are specks of red blood in it and I have vomited a few times from the irritation and coughing and had some blood in it too.

I am so damn sick of convincing myself I am on my death bed! And I don't know what I am going to do if the results come back clear of GF!:weep: