View Full Version : am i going mad??????

18-12-08, 11:00
hi im helen, i have had health anxiety 4 about 3 months. had what a thought was a panic attack 2 weeks ago, when i thought i had cancer! anyway, i am have still got this cancer thing in the back of my mind and was quite upset yesterday. so i went to bed as normal, read my book for bit and went to sleep, no problem (it never is) anyway my little boy woke up at 4.10, so hubby went to c him, i went to the loo, and then got back in2 bed. i have always had problems to try and get back to sleep, so i am tossing and turning, and i thought i hear a whisper in my ear! i wake up, no kids there!, so try again.....then i have the feeling that some1 is lying on top of me! i tried to move (in my sleep i think) and couldnt, i tried to push whoever it was off, then i woke up, lying on my side, and short of breath! is this a panic attack, a night tremor due to panic or do i have a ghost?? i would rather it be a ghost, lol! sorry for the long winded thread, but had to get it all out cus i cant go to docs AGAIN!! xx

18-12-08, 13:43

Sal x
18-12-08, 22:02
hi helen...

just wanted to let you know that i am also worried that i am going mad too. i have had the whisper in my ear aswell and sometimes think i see something out of the corner of my eye and convince myself that its some kind of mental issue i have got and that i am a shcizoprenic (sorry for the bad spelling) or something and one day i will totally lose control.....

anyway, been through this a few times and figured out im not mad, just have a very over active imagination and always have to put a reason to every thought i have.

my doc told me that if i think im going mad, then im not cos if i actually was, then i would think i was sane and everyone else was mad.

hope this helps......pls pm me if you need to talk as we sound similar as i also have a little boy that wakes me and my husband up at silly times in the night too.....................i think the lack of sleep makes my anxiety loads worse too.
