View Full Version : Normal after a nasty cold/sinusitis?

18-12-08, 12:34
I started with a cold 3 weeks ago and then my 3 children started with a flu virus which I then started with. I have mild chronic sinusitis but for a month before all of this it was alot better, hardly any problems at all.

Last week I started with a fever, green snot and bleeding from left nostril, left nostril was very blocked up, left nostril was very sore high up and my left jaw was agony and very stiff. I saw my GP who gave me 500mg of amoxicillin to take 3 a day for a week. Within 48 hours I was so much better, the GP said it was the flu but aswell as that she thought I had some kind of nostril infection or sinusitis. The antibiotics made me feel much better within 48 hours I just felt very tired which the GP said would happen as they are strong plus I have 3 very poorly children to look after, I was so ill but I had to carry on, I am so tired:mad:

Today I am on my final day of the antibiotics and my right ear has a feeling of pressure and the odd bit of tinitus and my right eyebrow has the occasional but of sinus type niggly pain across it. My husband said its bound to just be abit of inflamation from the infection but I was alot better then today this started so I am worrying abit that the antibiotics haven't worked:mad: I am such a worrier, its christmas in a week, I just want us all to be better, its been a long 3 weeks here.

Can anyone reassure me that the odd bit of pain and fullness in ears is normal after an infection?I really hope my chronic sinusitis doesn't flare up bad after this.

18-12-08, 12:58
we all have flu and chest infection and have been on antibiotics since monday...my ears feel all poppy(like i've been on a plane) and i am sure the antibiotics are working as my chest feels better and i'm not coughing. so in answer to your question yeah i think some of the symptoms do hang around a bit longer. Wishing u a healthy and happy christmas. x

18-12-08, 13:24
Thanks, you too.

18-12-08, 14:24
Hi Libby,
I think what you're experiencing is totally normal after an infection - and a bad one by the sounds of it! Mucus and bugs and all sorts of nastiness can hang around for weeks after some infections and make you feel pretty grotty for a good while. I had a sore throat - a really bad one - that lasted three weeks! I also developed an ear infection after a bout of bad flu even though the major symptoms were much better.

You've done the right thing taking the antibiotics and although your body might take a while to fully clear the infections, I'm sure you'll be right as rain very soon :hugs:

Have a lovely Christmas!

Anna. x

18-12-08, 15:45
Thanks Anna,

It was really nasty I had a nosebleed with it then lots of blood when I blew from the left nostril, was so painful.

Today I blew out alot of green and blood thick mucus (tmi) so maybe its all coming out now.

18-12-08, 22:01

I have had a bad cold for over 3 weeks now which I cought it off my children. It started off with an ear infection, I went to the doctors who put me on the same as you, 500mg amoxcillin, 3 times a day for a week, and although the pain settled down within a few days, my ear felt really full, there was a lot of pressure which was causing me a lot of discomfort, and it was ringing and humming and just very uncomfortable, I felt like I had my head in a bubble!! I finished the course but went back to the docs convinced that I still had the infection, and was told that it had cleared up but that there was a lot of gunk still left behind my drum which could take several weeks before it clears as your body has to absorb it!! It is getting better, I still have the ringing, but the pressure has gone, and it keeps popping and crackling when I swallow or yawn. So dont worry, but you may have to put up with it for a few weeks yet. Not sure about the sinusitus as Ive never had that, but doc told me that my ear infection looked quite bad and that he thought it may even burst which would let out all the infection which would be bloody/mucusy, sorry! But that sounds like what you have had but in your nose. Unfortunately I developed a cold which has dragged on for 3 weeks and I now have a terrible dry barking cough which is driving me up the wall and stopping me from sleeping, just hope it passes by next week! I hope you feel better soon.