View Full Version : I'm back

18-12-08, 16:42

Well I used to post here all the time, then I did not have broadband for ages, have recently just got it.

Health Anxiety bad at the moment, I think it coincides with my mum not being well. Its my left leg/blood clot anxiety, funny thing I have just been looking through my old messages and there be the same things I was worried about.

Have been trying not to check myself ALL the time, but left leg is painful, and I am scared.

Hi to all the people on here I don't know.

Lots of love and hugs



18-12-08, 16:52
Emssssssss :hugs:

You don't have a blood clot in your leg mate :flowers:, It's just this bleedin HA bringing back that fear you have. Try your best to stop checking it because you will make it painfull with all that poking and prodding.

I hope your mum gets well soon hun :flowers:

Brilliant to see you back mate, i missed ya!!!

Loads a love

18-12-08, 17:42
Oh my Lisa, how I missed you, and your straight talking!!

I feel pants! I have actually just made an appointment and got a cancellation to see the Doctor tonight, I just can't bear it. I am driving myself quietly insane.... Just for a change

I hate this damned Health Anxiety!!!

Missed you my lovely

19-12-08, 21:47
Hi Emira

Good to see you back although it's not so good that you are having worries again. Hope your GP visit was reassuring and that your mum gets better soon.

Chris xx