View Full Version : Recession bites Back

18-12-08, 16:48
Hello everyone

This is my first time on a forum so here I go with a bit about how I got hear.

I have suffered some years ago with anxiety and depression but have been coping well for the last five years under difficult circumstances.

4 years ago I went through a marraige break up which lead to divorce and then of course it was moving house, finding a job and supporting myself and my two sons.

I have been quite proud of myself but this year the Company I worked for said it would have to make redundancies. After a lot of stress, I missed the first cull in June, but realised not long after this that I was due for the next as certain obligations that I usually carried out for them were no so subtly designated to other employees. Then they made me go through three interviews, just to cover their backs, to be told each time that I wasnt right for the job.

I was more or less promised a part time job but went in to work one morning to be given a letter to say that I had made redundant. I felt as though my world had been shattered. How as I going to look after my children and pay the bills?

I locked myself away at home and sat on the computer for hours each day applying for jobs, which paid off.

I went for an interview and was phoned later in the day to be offered the job - brilliant. I was so excited that I jumped up and down with my kids - then disaster struck - I twinged something in my back. However next day it didnt hurt or the next but three days later I started with lower back pain radiating into my hip and groin then down the front of my thigh to just below my knee. This ended up with me not being able to move for almost two weeks as it just immediately turned into spasms.

I am having physio on it now but part of my leg is numb so I am really panicky and feel like I have completely lost control of my life. Any confidence I had has been ripped away from me and everything is an effort to deal with and I feel like I can cope with the slightest thing. Ive not been able to get out much over the last four weeks and although my symptons are slowly improving at the back of my mind I am convinced there is a serious underlying problem. Ive lost a lot of weight over the last three weeks and this is mainly due to losing my appetite.

So this is the story of how I got to join the forum and hopefully I will be able to get advice and from other sufferers as well as helping if I can.

Yours looking for a fast recovery metally and physically

18-12-08, 17:36
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

20-12-08, 16:06
:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:


20-12-08, 20:37
Hi ByJingo,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,
