View Full Version : Stuck smile

18-12-08, 17:55
:wacko: Hello,
Am sorry for sounding stupid but had to ask this as when i tell other people bout it they think am mad! When i get nevous and paniky whilst talking to people my smile and face gets stuck like there something wrong with me and it feels like am making funny faces, and look really uncomfertable when people talk to me which makes them feel horrid then i find there stare at me and are stare back then i just want to walk away from them in the middle of a conversation it horriable and ruins my life, also i sweat so much even in winter i hate it! Anyone else who has this problem with there face please let me know as i think it just me!xxx dalia

19-12-08, 00:42
I think this is part of social anxiety. I have a hard time looking people in the eye for long periods of time. I start to feel anxious and just want to run away. Sometimes I avoid social situations (lunch room) so I don't have to feel so anxious. When you are anxious your muscles are tense and not relaxed. That would explain the stuck smile. I have the same problem with the sweating.
Take care.