View Full Version : Do you find that because of your health anxiety people don't take you seriously?

18-12-08, 18:33
I know for me, a huge frustration is when I have symptoms and people around me just blow them off.

Went to my doctor for symptoms a few years ago with swallowing problems. He said it was anxiety.

Turns out it was GERD, and when I finally had an endoscopy done, it was so bad they thought I might have barrets syndrome.

Luckily I did not.

But I do find that it's really hard to get people to understand that sometimes it is not panic!

My husband ALWAYS thinks anytime something is wrong with me, it's just my anxiety. So frustrating.

18-12-08, 18:49
:D :D Hi Seebra,

I know exactly how you feel, it feels a bit like when the boy cried wolf eh, its horrible,what i am learning to teach myself is this, if you were ill then you would know all about it, i know this is easier said than done sometimes tho, i'm with you on this one

18-12-08, 19:16
This is very true. My parents always tut and say "oh your so dramatic".

I try to turn this round and use it to an advantage - if they arent worried about my symptoms then I shouldnt be either.
But its still frustrating.

18-12-08, 20:29
hi everyone i had the same thing this week because the family had a cold this week between them i have to take notice of there runny noses and the like but when i am having a bad day and need a little support they just walked aaway and never said a word as you can see i survived but a little support is so helpful now and again

19-12-08, 01:42
I consider myself to be really lucky. My female friends are unbelievable understanding about my anxiety, but then i've found that most of my friends worry about their health the difference is they can push it aside, turnover and go to sleep!!(they don't realise how lucky they are). My other half struggles with some aspects of it but tries to understand and my mum is brilliant as well. If i didn't have anyone to talk to about my anxiety i know i would be ten times worse than i am.

21-12-08, 01:53
Everyone i know thinks im mad. sometimes i think i really am. my boyfreind thinks i can just stop it like that and that i do it on purpose which realy hurts. but i think that he will never understand. anxiety is a lonely place but in the end it will only make us stronger and hopefully help us gain independance.