View Full Version : new to this

18-12-08, 20:03
hi my name is martin just happened across this web site you sound like a wonderful bunch of people im 44 married with three drains on the resources i mean kids lol i first started getting health anxiety problems 3 years ago when my father died suddenly . to get the full picture my mum died when i was 9 so my father was a huge part of my life then suddenly there is this huge hole in my life where he used to be so naturally now i think i am goping to drop down dead at any moment so thats the basics of it all look forward to chatting with you guys

18-12-08, 20:26
Welcome, playman.

I know that death causes many people to begin having health anxiety. When my grandmother died suddenly years ago from an aneurysm, I began thinking that I was going to have an aneurysm as well.

Since your mother died when you were so young, most likely you carried that fear with you (perhaps subconciously) for many many years, and then when your father dies it all came rushing to the surface.

I have suffered health anxiety, and panic for almost 28 years, so if you ever need to, feel free to PM me.

Sorry for your loss.

18-12-08, 20:50
thanks for your kind words seebra its so nice to here a kind voice that understands i just new you guys were great once again thanks

18-12-08, 20:51
hi martin,

i too suffer from HA quite bad at times, mine seemed to start when i lost my grandma october 2007 she was the closest person to me,if you ever need to chat pm me
take care

Cathy V
18-12-08, 21:40
Hi again playman. I suffer with a heart phobia since my grandmother and uncle died because of a coronary thrombosis, Then my brother had one at age 46 but survived thankfully. Ive also suffered with ectopic heartbeats off and on since my 20s, but every test ive had since then has shown up as normal. I live with it but its not easy sometimes.

At the moment im in 'remission' lol! and don't know how long it will be before they come back to haunt me, but as the years have gone on, although still uncomfortable for me, the fear of them has grown less. Also through talking to people on this forum has helped with this so much, I didnt realise how many felt the same way.

Hope we can help you too
Best wishes
Cathy V :) xxx

18-12-08, 21:58
i have ectopics all the time and it scares the life out of me i have had loads of ecg's blood tests chest x-rays nothing shows up but i keep constantly checking my pulse to see if i am having a heart attack or something i feel really low at the moment and am really struggling to keep myself going every day

18-12-08, 22:02
:yesyes: :yesyes: Welcome Martin :yesyes: :yesyes:

Cathy V
18-12-08, 22:20
You're def not alone with the ectopics, lots and lots of people here get them believe me, so you'll get alot of support with this..xxx

18-12-08, 22:27
thanks for the kind words cathy its a long time since i was able to talk this freely about this i hope you all keep well x

18-12-08, 22:28
Hi Playman

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find many nice people to chat with on here.

Take care


18-12-08, 23:56
Hi hun :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



20-12-08, 20:56

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

20-12-08, 21:48
Hi Martin,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,
