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18-12-08, 21:07
Hi All

Im 40 and have recently moved to a new job with far more accountability for leading a team within a large organization.

WOW I cant sleep as Im racing constantly I’ve been to see the Doc and he tried Propranolol but that did nothing. He told me to complete a questionnaire and told me that I was very depressed !!! This was a shock but prescribed me Sertraline 50mg and Ive been taking for several days. I feel on planet nausea, feel heart beating in chest, talking & thinking quickly. I feel worse that before and wondered if any of you helpful people could shed any light. Shall I dump the Sertraline


Cathy V
18-12-08, 21:30
Hi there ship. I have no experience with anti-depressants but I know that alot of people here do take them, and from what ive read about them, they all say that it takes up to a month to kick in properly and do their job. Until then the side effects can be pretty bad, but most of the advice is to stick with them and you will start to feel positive results. Im sure there will be alot of members who will be along to reassure you on this.

Hope this helps
Cathy xxx

18-12-08, 21:35
I took sertaline & didn't sleep for 2 weeks i was wide awake and mega anxious. The anxiety i had increased so bad. My body quivered alot etc but apparently this is short lived & soon stops.

Stick with it. I know what anxiety of a new job feels like xx