View Full Version : Hi

18-12-08, 21:40
Hi I am new to the forum my name is John..........
I am a recovering agoraphobic, I say recovering because from time to time I will get the old feelings come back but I know how to override them............. I was agoraphobic for 7 years never going out or socialising with anyone....I was trapped in the house for most of that time and learnt to avoid the anxiety attacks by staying close to the house where it didn't seem so bad......... I suffered from excessive panic attacks and clinical depression ....
I now consider myself to be recovered to the extent that going out is fine and rarely bothers me anymore and the anxiety I used to feel is virtually non existent but as i have said it does give me a reminder from time to time but i don't let it bother me as I know it will pass..........
If I can be of any help to other sufferers including those who have panic attacks and depression please feel free to ask........ :)

18-12-08, 22:04
:yesyes: :yesyes: Welcome John :yesyes: :yesyes:

18-12-08, 22:32
hi john and welcome :welcome: i have just started to cope with my panic attacks but i am starting to avoid going out to places which i no is not good but i feel safer trying to get past this point is proving a struggle

18-12-08, 22:42
Hi John

Welcome to the site, glad to hear you are recovering well done and thanks for your offer to help others on the site.

Take care



18-12-08, 23:33
hi john and welcome :welcome: i have just started to cope with my panic attacks but i am starting to avoid going out to places which i no is not good but i feel safer trying to get past this point is proving a struggle

Thank you for the welcome.............:)

I know it is hard but you must try not to avoid things as you will start to limit your life bit by bit.......... I made the mistake of avoiding places where I had experienced panic and slowly bit by bit I became housebound terrified of the panic attacks and I linked them to the place and not myself so by avoiding the place i avoided the panics..........
Realise that your panics are attached to what you think and are harmless created mainly by the scenarios you build in your mind...........panics cannot harm you and adrenaline has to burn itself out it can't go on forever although it can seem like that...........If you are in a situation that produces panic then try to stay a little longer before leaving and realise that the panic will actually start to subside by facing it and seeing it for what it really is.......I used to run away from mthe situation and as soon as I did the panic woud subside and I would feel better but also disappointed that once again I had given into panic............ I started to make myself stay in the situation that I was afraid of and let the panic do it's worst.....I never died as I thought I would instead I began to realise that I could let the panic come and go through it and feel just as good as i did when I ran from it...............Don't let panic fool you into running from it..........it is just you frightening yourself with your thoughts and fears....you won't die from panic or lose control by facing it although it can feel as if you will..........if you face it it will burn itself out and you will see it for what it really is and that is fear of your symptoms caused by thoughts and adrenaline.........
I hope this helps.............:)

18-12-08, 23:35
Hi John

Welcome to the site, glad to hear you are recovering well done and thanks for your offer to help others on the site.

Take care



Thank you carol.........:)

18-12-08, 23:35
:yesyes: :yesyes: Welcome John :yesyes: :yesyes:

Thank you for the welcome Sarah.........:)

18-12-08, 23:37
Hi John :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site.

Ohh what an insparation to sooo many people, you have come on sooo far hun, I bet you are sooo proud of yourself :yesyes::hugs:

This must have been so dame hard and blinkin hard work, BUT YOU DID IT, YEEE HAAA WELL DONE :yesyes::hugs:



18-12-08, 23:46
Hi John :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site.

Ohh what an insparation to sooo many people, you have come on sooo far hun, I bet you are sooo proud of yourself :yesyes::hugs:

This must have been so dame hard and blinkin hard work, BUT YOU DID IT, YEEE HAAA WELL DONE :yesyes::hugs:



Thank you Jill...............I am a great believer in that things will get better if you work at them............... When I look back which I seldom do it all seems so surreal as to what I went through..........I took on a do or die attitude to the panics and it worked for me as it can for others.........funny thing is once I stopped getting panics I somehow missed having them which in a way was just as frightening !.... weird isn't it!.....:D though I suppose because they had been a big part of my life for a long time I felt strange without them.............

20-12-08, 20:55

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

20-12-08, 21:47
Hi John,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,
