View Full Version : I had it treated long ago, why do I still have it?

09-12-03, 00:44
I got it treated...it should be gone...
When I first had OCD it was mainly for me doing things like always washing my hands and stuff, and I thought it was gone...but I just read something from this site: http://www.ocdsupport.c14.net/
and I realized I have major Obsession issues, I really don't want to go see another doctor about it because the last time I did the medicine really messed me up, and I cant risk it because I am in my last years of high school, I will not let my grades drop like last time...and also, I really hated having to see that quack.
I also still have slight compultions, but nothing too major...
and I notice I might have anxiety...many of you complain about chest pains...I have many of these, and also I sometimes tic, like many of the other people I have read about...I think I might be starting to understand some of the things I think is wrong with me...

09-12-03, 09:13
Dear Sally,

Anxiety and OCD are not like infections that get treated once and then miraculously disappear.
You have to work at keeping them at bay for a long time until your brain no longer thinks that way. If you meant treated with meds , then if you didn't also treat the way you thought and perceived life then when you come off your meds not much has essentially changed, they mask the symptoms - not treat the cause. If you were treated with CBT then keep at your tasks and exercises .

Have a good search around this site and then come back and post if you have any questions you think we may be able to help with.


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Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...