View Full Version : Pain in my chest and I'm worried

19-12-08, 09:07
Hi Everyone, I'm having a bad time with my HA at the moment and just seem to get one silly symptom after another.
As some of you may already know my main fear is throat/lung cancer. I'm a 52 yr old female and used to smoke up until 18 months ago. I've had various tests done including chest xray and endocopy which came back clear but still worry so much about getting cancer.
For the last 3 weeks I've had a painful neck which also gives me pain in my shoulder blades. I think I know how I done it but still keep worrying that it's lung cancer!! Last night in bed I woke up and turned over and experienced what I can only describe as a prickly pain in my chest which went through right to my shoulder blade. I could also feel the pain in the top of my right arm. It lasted for about 15 mins or so (on and off). It was really painful and as you can imagine sent me into panic mode. I laid there thinking I would have to ask my husband to call the doctor because I was getting very worried about it. Well the pain did stop and of course I went back to sleep. I got up this morning and the prickly pain is no longer there but I still have a painful neck and shoulder blade. It's a strange pain, not bad enought to take pain killers and hurts more when I laugh (have any of you experienced this before).
I'm sorry if I'm going on a bit but I feel so depressed about it all this morning and don't want anything to ruin Xmas :weep: . I don't want to go to the doctors in case he says I have to have any tests and I certainly don't want them this side of Xmas. I know deep down that it's coming from my bad neck but I can't get this worry about lung cancer out of my head (even though I've had a clear chest xray 15 months ago).
Have any of you experienced this prickly pain in your chest that goes right throught to your shoulder blade? I would be so greatful to hear from someone else who's had this and hasn;t dies of lung cancer :weep: .


19-12-08, 11:57
Hey Vinny,

First of all, im no expert on stopping smoking and its effects on your body, but from talking to our stop smoking councellor at work (she works in my office) I hear that as soon as you stop smoking a lot of the harmful chemicals and their effects leave your body. After a few months it can be almost as if you hadnt smoked so long.

Also, I have been having very similar pain. From the centre of my chest into my arm, which I figure must have been indigestion seeing as tho I havent dropped from a heart attack yet! And from the front of my chest right the way through into my back and the backs of my shoulders. This was by far the most painfull and I never figured out what it was but im pretty sure I dont have lung cancer (being 21 and a none smoker).
The pain you describe - prickly and going into your arm/shoulder sounds very much like nerve pain from your neck like you say. I have terrible posture and im forever getting pains like this from trapped nerves or something that needs clicking in my back/neck!

Sorry for rambling on, hopefull it was a little helpful. Perhaps if you do some relaxing excercises for your shoulders and neck the pain might ease off


19-12-08, 15:35
Hello Vinny,

It is really hard when we are suffering from a particular health conern which won't leave us alone. It seems whenever i am worrying - usually breast cancer - i start getting other aches and pains which compound the fear. From what you have said i am sure the sensation you experienced the other night was down to the problem you are having with your neck and most likely the position you were sleeping in. I do believe once we are able to accept our concerns are HA related we can make a start to rationalise our thought process. At least you believe, deep down, this worry is connected to your neck problem, so that is a good start. The trouble with HA is we can't accept the results of tests, so i can understand why you are unable to draw comfort from the fact your chest xray came back clear only 15 months ago. As a fellow sufferer i know how difficult it is to take a step back from it all - but i am certain from all you have said you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I do hope you will be feeling less concerned soon, and you will be able to enjoy Christmas.:hugs:

19-12-08, 16:49
I can relate so well to your worries. I'm a 43 year old smoker and have recently began having pains in my right lung. I had a chest x-ray in August which came back clear but the discomfort is still there in my chest. I went to my doctor recently and she decided to order a CT scan which will take place on January 6th. I have myself worried sick that I have lung cancer. It's killing my holiday spirit and preventing me from functioning well. Maybe a CT scan would put your mind at rest.

19-12-08, 21:44
hey ask ur doc about costochondritis ?? i have it and its a prickly pain in my strenum and chest and also gets up to my collar bone and shoulder and it can b very painfull too,costo is inflammtion in the cartilage see in ur costal joints ,ive had it for 8mhts it is not serious but very painful as its not sumthink that can b healed jus like that it takes time,and jus simple tasks like moving my body ,strecthing and even breathing or panicijngn aggravetes mine and it isnt very nice ill tell u so go and see ur doctor,its jus a suggestion as i know the prickly sort of pain u expalin. try some ibruphen gel on the sore and painful areas best wishes C.xxx

21-12-08, 16:41
Thank you for your replies and words of kindness.
Lamentinglaura......unfortunately your reply has made me worry more, I had taken some comfort from the fact that my chest xray was clear but now feel worried. If you had a clear xray but now have to have a CT scan then maybe something was missed on my xray too!! I really don't want any more tests and my GP certainly hasn't suggested a scan. The pain seems to have gone now anyway.
Take Care x