View Full Version : O no its back!

19-12-08, 09:17
Hi Guys, i havent been posting on here for a while as with the baby nearly here i have been pre occupied and my HIV fear has got slightly better. Mainly because i have been using cordsyl mouthwash and havent had any ulcers. So ulcer free for 3 weeks! I have had a bit of a sore throat on the left side of my mouth for a day or too so i got a mirror and checked and shock! i have an ulcer right near the flappy bits which hide my tonsils so i guess its just where my throat meets my mouth. I have never had an ulcer here and im really scared, i am trying not to google because it will tell me i have HIV. I really dont want to go back as i have been doing so well :weep:

19-12-08, 09:50
I've had ulcers there before.
When you get a mouth ulcer, it can happen anywhere in the "mouth".
Have you had an HIV test before?

19-12-08, 09:56
Hi Belle, i had one at the beginning of the pregnancy which is standard now and it came back fine, but i know its stupid but i think they got my test results wrong. I have been to hell and back for the past 5 months thinking about it, and i cant bring myself to have another as it was pure hell waiting for the results and i just cant do it again. Doc has been really good and has been through it about 4 times but its so hard

19-12-08, 09:57
Hey Tash, as I understand it (having never been pregnant), pregnancy can play havoc with your immune system. Ulcers are a sign that your immune system is a bit low and/or oversensitive.

I had loads (loads and loads and loads) of mouth ulcers while recovering from a virus a few months ago. I didn't and don't have HIV but I did have a virus and that affected my immune system, hence the ulcers. You don't have HIV but you are pregnant. The pregnancy is triggering your immune system, hence the ulcers.

When are you due? Can't be long now! You must be really excited :).

19-12-08, 10:04
HI Leebee, thank you, im just so scared i have been doing so well and really putting all my negative thoughts in to painting the room and so on. I am due the 15th January and honestly cant wait. This has been the hardest time in my whole life but it will be worth it in a month :(.

I have even stopped 'checking' until this morning and so far kept off google. I just dont want this to ruin the last month

19-12-08, 11:31
Its not at all likely that your test results are wrong. Are you showing any HIV symptoms?

19-12-08, 11:48
I dont want to look at the symptoms but i have been having recurrent mouth Ulcers but as leebee said i am pregnant so im hoping thats why :(

19-12-08, 13:08
Hi Tash
I'm sorry to hear that you're worrying again.
Please be assured that you don't have HIV, it would definately have been picked up with your pregnancy. I know being pregnant can have a lot of "side effects" and I know one of them is bleeding gums and tooth decay so I expect mouth ulcers are yet another down side of being pregnant.
Take Care x

19-12-08, 19:58
Hi Tash,

Please try and stop worrying or it may interfer with you coping in labour.. If your test was negative, then you really are fine. I am always getting ulcers. Did you eat anything that could of aggrevated the mouth, something that was acidy or salty? Relax xx

19-12-08, 21:43
Hi Tash Hun...calm down sweety you are fine. You do NOT have HIV! You were just tested and I'm sure it was 100% accurate. I have just been through the HIV scare but I was never tested in my life, came back negative thank god. Kept getting thrush and try googling that one...everything comes back HIV. One bad night I googled, "How did you find out you had hiv" and first thing I clicked on the girl says "Well I had thrush an the doctor told me I should be tested so I was and I was positive." I darn near **** in my pants!

And on another note....omg I know how you are feeling...I got an ulcer back there one time and it was horrrrrible. I hated it. It felt like a sore throat but it was a freaking ulcer...so weird. I hadda keep dabbing that OraGel stuff back with with a cue tip in order to be able to eat!

But I agree with everyone else, your pregnancy is most likely messing with your immune system. After finding out that I was auto-immune free the other day I said to the doc "So then why do I get thrush?" and he said "I don't know...stress?" Your body is stressed carrying your little one and its going to cause some immune issues.

I'm sorry but I'm new here and have read back a bit but don't know everyones whole story. Are you taking medication right now...or were you on medication that you cannot take now because of the pregnancy? Please please see your doc as soon as you can when the baby is born. I hear that its scary as a new mom worrying about every little thing about your baby but I think with your health anxiety...it might be a little more overwhelming for you than a normal mom(I already see myself being the same way in the future as I already worry about my dog too much).

So I donno if you might be eating popcorn, chips, ketchup, french fries, that kind of stuff but if so, try to lay off it for a lil bit and maybe the ulcers will tone it down.

One more month hun! You can do it!! :D Take care!

10-02-09, 16:13
You must have had your baby now Tash, hope it all went well!