View Full Version : Hi all

19-12-08, 09:46
Hi Everyone, my name is Andrew and i am 25. I have only just realised that i have anxiety, and i still find it hard to believe. It all started in June of this year, i went to the doctor cos i had headaches and blurred vision. He thought i might be dehidrated as i told him i had maybe overdone it sportwise for a couple of weeks. He sent me home to rest and drink plenty of water. Four or five days later i went back because i was dizzy, they gave me Dogmatil, which is for vertigo. 5 or 6 days later i went back to tennis and had to stop after about 25 minutes, i thought i was going to pass out (but didnt). I went home, rested and was more or less ok except the dizziness was back. In the following weeks i had my ears tested, eyes, they even did a brain CT scan, all clear. I was convinced there was something wrong with me. Also, my neck was hurting. They put it down to stress, which i found hard to believe. Since then i have come to realise that i get worse when in stressful situations, i am better when i am at home. I let really exagerated bad thought run around in my head which i then realise that on any normal day wouldnt happen. There is still a part of me that thinks there is something medically wrong, but this has been happening for 6 months now and they havent found anything. Some days i am ok, others i feel like i cant go out. I get hot, sweaty, stressed, my vision goes blurred, and i feel weak, like im about to fall over, or need to sit down. I work for myself so it is easy for me to rearrange jobs, but i do it more than i would like. I would rather just get on with it, but this feeling wont let me. I am a numbers and science type of person, if you know what i mean, i find anxiety really hard to understand, my atittude normally would be "get on with it" or "pull your finger out" but it has got a hold on me and i dont know how to shift it. I hope this site can help me. Regards, Andrew.

19-12-08, 10:25
Hi Andrew, welcome to NMP. I hope you find the site as helpful as I have.

I found it crucial to understand more about what was happening to my body (and mind) as a result of anxiety. The body reacts to anxiety in a logical way - it's just not always obvious to us what is happening and why. Check out the Symptoms link under the main menu to find out more about this.

I think all of us have thought "why can't I just pull myself together" or "I should just snap out of it" at some point. But it doesn't help, unfortunately. I believe thoughts like these stem from a lack of understanding about what anxiety is and how it effects us. Be easier on yourself :).

You've taken the first step by acknowledging you have anxiety, now I would recommend finding out more about it and how it effects you, and perhaps to start to look at what it is in your life or health that might be the source of your anxiety. Good luck and let us know how you get on. :)

Diane O'Brien
19-12-08, 10:29
:welcome: Andrew

Nice to hear from you. You will find this site very helpful Andrew. Maybe I,ll speak to you in chat sometime.

Take Care

Diane xxx

19-12-08, 11:52
Thanks for your replies. Yes i agree, my attitude does come from not understanding it. It isnt something that i thought i would develop, therefore i cant understand why i have it. It is the wrong atittude and i think it has contributed to me getting worse. I have been searching for a medical reason all this time and it isnt there, so i have to accept that either it has been anxiety all along, or maybe at the start i had some small medical condition which has gone away by itself and gone undiagnosed, but it obviously wasnt serious cos i have had better weeks then worse weeks. Thinking over the past few days i have remembered situations during the last couple of years before i had anxiety where i have had a small 30 minute anxiety attack, and just relaxed without really knowing what was going on, then the next day i was ok and had forgotten about it. i can remember 4 or 5 of these situations. maybe it has been a build up. I am happier now that i have taken in that it is anxiety, cos everytime i feel anxious i just tell myself its anxiety, dont worry, it will pass. whereas before i was thinking: am i having a heart attack, do i have a brain tumor, do i have high or low blood pressure, do i have a blood problem, etc. I now see that i cant possibly have any of these things cos of all the tests i have had and also cos 6 months later i am ok without being treated for anything. does this all seem logical to you? it is hard for me to understand. All this races around in my head all day. thanks again.

19-12-08, 12:35
Hi Andrew :D:hugs:

:welcome:to the site.

For many, many people, it can be dame hard knowing where this all came from. Our minds and body have a way of saying, there is something that needs to be addressed, BUT, what can happen sometimes, the problem that needed to be addressed has gone and what you are left with, if fear of all the symptoms and that there is something more sinister wrong with you.

YOU have had lots of test done, all clear, that's great news, hunny, please try and except that you have anxiety, the reason may not be clear to you right now why it started, but if you learn to except that you have anxiety, this helps us move on a little.

When acute with anxiety, it is very common for the mind to play games with you, I always said, Oh Mrs anxiety is playing with me again, this helped me programme my mind that it was anxiety an nothing more.

I know its dame hard for you, but please try and do the things you have always done, DON'T let anxiety stop you, although symptoms of anxiety can be very scary, they will not harm you, the more you fear them or think its more sinister the more fuel you give the anxiety, anxiety lives on negative thinking.

Please read all you can about panic, anxiety, help yourself understand just how powerfull our minds really are.

If you can't find a reason for this starting, DON'T ponder on this now, when in anxiety mode Mrs anxiety may give you all the wrong reasons. Hence your mind racing, putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 5 (a brain tumor) ohh Mr anx is a bl**dy liar, she NEVER tells the truth, you will learn this, you have had test to prove that there is nothing wrong, please believe this hunny, excpet you have anxiety, BUT, DO NOT excpct anxiety, YOU CAN WORK through this, with alot of hard work, time and the right support.

Please hun, give yourself a good foundation to work from BELIEVE you can get better, really believe and your mind WILL find ways to do it.

You have come to the right place, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.


Wishing you well


20-12-08, 21:05

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

20-12-08, 22:09
Hi Andrew,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,
