View Full Version : Im worried again.........

19-12-08, 12:18
I Have Been Experiencing Weird Pains Over The Last Few Days Basically It Started With A Sharp Pain Just Slightly To The Right Of My Tummy Button,i Felt Like I Had To Keep Rubbing It And It Was Tender To Touch,its Like A Dull Ache. Since It Has Moved To Just Above Right Hip And Above Tummy Button Etc. Its Not Really Bad But Im Just Worrying.
A Few Months Ago I Had A Ct Scan Etc And They Were Normal But Im Sitting Here Panicing I Will Have Appendicitis Which Is My Fear Or That I Will Have To Go To Hospital And Be There For Xmas.


19-12-08, 13:03
Hi Bambamers
I've put a post on this morning too about pains I had in my chest last night. I think we get pains from time to time that have no "real" cause. I also worried last night that I would be carted off to hospital and have to spend Xmas!! I think you should take great comfort from the fact that you've had a normal scan. I know it's very hard to be reassured for very long and that's why this site is so good. I find it so reassuring when people reply to my posts and tell me they've had similar symptoms to me.
Tummy pains are very common symptoms of anxiety, trouble is the more anxious we become the more our tummies play up.
Take care x

22-12-08, 17:07
Thanks for replying, i still have the pain. Been to docs but didnt get any real answers. Seems like im gonna have a xmas full of worry. x