View Full Version : I'm new

19-12-08, 12:24
My name is Kate and I have just been diagnosed with depression.
I have been on Incapacity Benefit since July with thyroid trouble and have had an operation but still feel terrible.
Blood tests have shown that my thyroid is fine now but Dr is treating me for depression.
I can't sleep at night and then I'm shattered during the day.
I want to be left alone, but when I am, I go back to eating unhealthy foods and don't do any excercise at all.
I cry at the slightest thing and am worried about things in the future e.g. will I get another job, how will I pay the mortgage etc.
I have always thought that you can pick yourself up and get on with things but now I know I can't and this feels as though I am unable to help myself.
I have been prescribed antidepressants and I have just taken the first one.
I have a sick note for 1 month but have started to worry about what will happen at the end of the 4 weeks.
Can't seem to get things into perspective.
I am looking forward to reading the posts on this forum.

19-12-08, 13:07
Hi Kate :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site.

I am soo sorry to hear how things are going for you hun, my heart goes out to you :hugs:

I know its dame hard for you but please hun, try not look to far into the future, right now, you are unwell and trying to see things in a positive way will be hard for you right now, take one day at a time. Has your gp mentioned counciling hunny?

There are lots a nice people here who will help and support you.


Wishing you well


19-12-08, 21:20
Thankyou for welcoming me to the forum.
I go to see an advisor at the Job Centre and she has put my name forward for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
The Dr is really nice and has given me a sick note for another month so that gives me a bit of time to sort myself out.
Things just seem a bit overwhelming at the moment and I know I make things worse by thinking too far ahead.
I am already worrying about what will happen if these tablets don't work - do I wait for the 4 weeks to pass and then go back or do I give them a couple of weeks and if I don't feel any better then go back.
You can tell how busy my head is - it's like this all the time.
I wake up like this in the morning.

19-12-08, 21:25
Hi Kate

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


20-12-08, 14:45
Hi Kate, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

Diane O'Brien
20-12-08, 15:14
Hello Kitty

:welcome: to this site. Its brilliant you have found this site. I to have suffered from depression kitty. Its not nice, keep with the antidepressants and take things slow, o.k. I to thought i would never get out of the bottomless pit, but you do. Do try and talk to people, you can always PM me if you like. Look after yourself, try and go out for walks.

Treat yourself and do something nice for you even if its having a cup of hot chocolate with your favourite music on or dance about the house. You will win Kitty.

Take Care

Diane xxx

20-12-08, 16:00

As previously mentioned, don't try to look too far ahead. One small step at a time and you will soon realise that there are more positives than negatives. Going for a walk is a good one, it gets the natural feel good factors pumping round your system. You will find the information and support on this site a great help.

20-12-08, 16:18
Hi Kate
:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:


20-12-08, 20:41
Hi Kate,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,
