View Full Version : y do i keep thinking this is more than anxiety

28-06-05, 12:02
today i feel crap, my legs are like jelly and everything. i just keep thinking im gunna have some sort of nervous breakdown. i want to cry. i know its anxiety yet i still keeps going through my head its more. help

28-06-05, 12:08
Hi kimmy,

I'm feeling the same, especially today I feel extremely tired, emotional and having the strangest thoughts about what is happening to me and what I think is happening to me. It's starting to drive me nuts and make me feel like I am loosing my mind but deep down I know it's just the anxiety.

Hope you start feeling better soon.

Feel free to PM me.


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

28-06-05, 12:10
hi Kimmy,

The way you feel is very normal. Lots of the time, the anxiety can get so bad that we feel sure that there's something else wrong with us. These thoughts can be very scary but you just need to keep telling yourself that it's just the anxiety getting the better of you..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

28-06-05, 12:11
i use to feel the same for over a year,till i got diagnosed with anxiety,then with the help of my doc and a nurse took me a while to convince i had nothing more,keep at it,hopefully u will feel better soon

metal,rock, and hardcore music is my life!

28-06-05, 12:14
Hi Kimmy sorry how you are feeling it does sound like anxiety , but dont give up kim things realy do get better but takes so long you dont even notice. I too feel rock bottom today I have eye surgery thursday and am so scared I have been canceling it forr the past 2 years realy hope i can get there this time. This morning I woke wth the bad runs, Bad tummy ache and I feel sick but sure its the anxiety. I took a Vallium first in months and not sure if thats made me feel worst or better lol. Take care hope you feel better soon. Vernon

28-06-05, 12:29

Try and have that cry, It will release all sorts of tension and emmotion as well as calming hormones.

Claire - very normal - not losing it at all.

Vern- good on you for knowing what it is .. We're all with you in willing you welll through this.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-06-05, 12:31
THANKS PEEPS. i feel really emotional too, want to cry but wont ya know. got an exam this afternoon. think things have just been buiding up, i have had a restness nights for a few days, its been hot and my anxietys been worse at night latly. i feel light headed too, is this normal? my sights a bit blurry too. it seems so long ago i felt like this i feel ive let myself down. leting it come back.

28-06-05, 14:19
The blurry vision is definatly ok, I am short sighted but when I had my first PA my vision wen blurry - strangely enough I started to panic (shock,lol) that I was starting to loose my vision completely but it's just all part of being stressed aswell as the being light headed. It should start to go away when you start to calm down a bit.

I wouldn't say that you have let yourself down, Exams are a very stressful time plus with lack of sleep your bound to be anxious - don't beat your self up. Try sleeping with the window open, I've found that has helped me a little.

Good luck with your Exams.


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

28-06-05, 14:39
Kimmy, yes it is normal for anxiety to be light headed.

Sometimes you can spark off tears from a film, old letters, old photos etc ...

Hope the exam went well.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-06-05, 14:52
Hi Kimmy

hope you got on well with your exam, maybe once that is over you might relax a bit, Meg's right some times a good cry does you the world of good, dont hold it in,

take care

kairen x

28-06-05, 15:20
Hi Kimmy,

I can understand your thoughts, Its a step forward that your saying
the word nervous breakdown. When I felt like this in the past I was
soooooo scared even to say anything like that, I thought that if I
told anyone I would lose it alltoghter.
You WILL NOT have a vervous breakdown. Keep telling yourself
this Kimmy, Keep telling yourself it's Mrs Anxiaty up to her tricks
again. . You will feel better soon.
Hope the exam went well.



28-06-05, 15:30
feeling better now, managed to distract myself. its just so scary when its happens, i know ive had them so many time ebfore, but its hard to say it will end. i feel like im gunna pop or just lose controle!

28-06-05, 16:18
Glad it passing --- write down exactly how it felt and if there is a next time reread it and show yourself that they always pass uneventfully - it is very upsetting though..

http:// www.nomorepanic.co.uk/lounge/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=4584
am i losing the plot (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1059)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-06-05, 21:26
thanks everybody and you too meg, ive had a look at the the link, its good to know other feel that way too, i wishh we all could stop though.
i feel ok now, its just at that time, i will write it down, just writing on here today helped with some off the pressure. i try not to cry becasues my face gets swollen and puffy, i cant keep blaming the weather

28-06-05, 21:32

Who cares if your face gets swollen and puffy - you have a good cry it will help.

Glad you feel better now.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

28-06-05, 21:56
In the great scheme of things like healing yourself , a cry is much more use than a non puffy face.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

29-06-05, 19:39
Hi Kimmy

Sorry to hear you were feeling down hun, I hope you are feeling better now-I get the lovely light headidness all the time and have recently started getting the blurry vision, I felt like I was gona have to lean myself against somebody today so I wouldnt fall over lol imagine that, I may get lucky with a nice young man ha ha. Ive started a new job and am really enjoying it, but still every day I have all my anxiety symptoms and I freak myself out thinking I may have some sort of horrible illness!. Even on holiday I had headaches etc but we must tell ourselves Kimmy if it was something serious we would know by now take care hun bun XXXXXXXXXX

29-06-05, 19:44
Hi Kimmy hope your feeling a bit better now. Yes anxiety does cause us to think theres more wrong with us. Im well on the mend now, but it does take time. You hold on in there and im sure if you keep talking you will get through

Take care

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

30-06-05, 14:00
hello people, i passed my exam! wehey, suprised myself actually, i just wasnt in the right state of mind. glad i did it, if anything just to prove i can!!! [:P]

30-06-05, 14:05
Many congratulations indeed . What exam was it ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

01-07-05, 12:07
english litrature. xx

02-07-05, 13:28
Well done Kimmy.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

02-07-05, 15:11
hey kimmy way to go
well done on passin
keep it up


02-07-05, 15:20
Hi Kimmy,

WELL DONE on passing the exam.