View Full Version : ultrasound

19-12-08, 14:41
I have my ultrasound booked for monday which was really quick as doc only seen me and noticed i have a pulsating in my stomach on monday this week. I am not so scared about the ultrasound....more scared i have an aortic aneurysm and also know it takes 5 days for the report to get to the doctor which means i will spend xmas worried sick. :-(

19-12-08, 15:43
Sorry to hear this. I am chasing some CT scan results myself and I know how infuriating the wait is. xxxx I m sure you'll be ok. I can sometimes feel pulsating in my stomach too.....

19-12-08, 16:35
I've had that pulsating thing in my abdomen for years. Once when I was in A&E the Dr there suggested I should go and mention it to my GP and maybe have an ultrasound. When I saw my GP he just said most slim people can feel and see their main aorta pulsating and not to worry about it. Perhaps if you are slim that is why you are so aware of yours.

19-12-08, 17:13
unfourtunatley i am not slim. I have had it for years and i've never thought anything off it....the doctor noticed it last monday and said he'd refer me for an ultrasound(thats when i started to panic). I really hope it is nothing to worry about.

19-12-08, 17:51
Yea I get that as well M8, my laptop is bouncing away on my stomach as I type, my Doc.noticed it last October and I had an Ultrasound within a week,the lady that did it was brilliant saw I was anxious and told me right away that my Aorta was normal size - nothing to worry about at all, I'm sure you'll be fine,usually with AAA the Doc. can feel a mass in your abdomen and can hear abnormal sounds over the mass - they have send you for a scan tho just in case, sorta "the buck stops here" thing.

Best wishes,

19-12-08, 17:56
Thanks i feel less anxious now...this is the final thing and when its out the way I am completely healthy and well and just need to get over eveything....I just hate waiting so hopefully if i ask they might tell me then and there is my aorta is normal. I did have an ultrasound in July(they though i has gall stones which is when i first got ill, turned out to be stomach inflammation which is better now) and the ultrasound in july was fine, so i am hoping this one will be 2. Thanks again for all your reassuring words:)

20-12-08, 10:03
I really do think if they found anything slightly worrying they would be obligated to let you know right away. I don't know how old you are but this kind of problem usually occurs in older men from what I have read.

20-12-08, 14:42
I am only 23. Normally I would not worry, but my great gran died of a burst aortic aneurysm(though she was in her 80's) and when it was diagnosed the doctor informed her she'd had one in her 20's that had healed itself and he could see the scar tissue. So I'm super worried which is horrible as i really want to get into the xmas spirit(I have 2 kids under 4). Though i do feel happy today I keep thinking about the wait at hospital and the wait for the results as I am so paranoid and nervous :-(

20-12-08, 14:51

I had a Ultra sound last week, and she was real nice, she told me there and then she couldnt see anything wrong but did say the results would be sent to my gp in 5 days. I havent been worried though because she told me she couldnt see anything suspiciuos. Hopefully the peron who does your scan will tell you the same hun then you dont have to worry over xmas.

20-12-08, 14:57
I really hope so, hopefully there will be nothing to see and I will feel more relaxed. I just dont know how'd i'd feel if they found something...i'm so scared. Before i had the kids nothing scared me, but i dont want them to be without me while they are so young and need me.

20-12-08, 15:09

Im sure everyone who goes for a scan fears the worse thinking they are going to find something. I thought the same too. Its only natural for you to think the same too hun but please try not to worry.

Let us know how things go wont you and good luck:hugs:


20-12-08, 15:31
Thank you so much, I have to take my eldest child with me so I really hope everything is ok as i dont want her to see me all scared and worried(my husband has to work). Even if i dont get the results on the day i will get them 5th january at my next appointment and then hopefully i will be able to get on with things as this is the last thing i am worried about (Thankfully).