View Full Version : afraid to take my blood pressure!

19-12-08, 18:33
I have been told that I need to monitor my blood pressure at home between appointments. I am 31 weeks pregnant and have had preeclampsia in two previous pregnancies. the thing is because of the history I am absolutley terrified of taking it which of course then pushes it up when I do!.

I know this sounds silly but does anyone have any clue how I can just calm down enough to get an accurate reading, is is quite important but I cant seem to bring myself to do it.

I have midwife appointments every week but I have to do it once a day at home as well :weep:


19-12-08, 18:37
Red if its gonna stress you out that much i would say just make sure you make your midwife appointments and dont' worry too much about the daily ones xxxxxx Don't make it an issue!:hugs:

19-12-08, 19:55
why don't you try and take your bp when you have just woken up i.e. first thing in the morning before you even get chance to panic about anything. But then again would this give an accurate reading? I'm not sure when is the best time of the day to take a reading tbh, but anyway only a suggestion.


Cathy V
19-12-08, 21:48
The medical profession know only too well that there is such a thing as 'white coat syndrome' where your blood pressure shoots up at just the thought of it being taken, so there are other ways of detecting pre-eclemsia. Its not only down to blood pressure, and if you have had this in previous pregnancies you'll know this yourself. Why be so nervous of the blood pressure? I suffer with high blood pressure, and its sky high at the docs, but he just takes it agian and its usually much lower the second time.

You are pregnant and have had this condition before. If youve been told to monitor your blood pressure then you have to do it. Take your blood pressure every day and if its consistantly high then report it.