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28-06-05, 13:47
Does anyone else get this and/or have any strategies to combat it:

I can be just bumbling about doing stuff and all of a sudden i catch myself thinking "wow i've been feeling good for a while now, i hadn't realised i hadn't been feeling feint/heart fluttery/anxious" usuallly within a minute of this i get the first tightening of the throat and it can just go down hill from here. I often think at the time (which i am begining to realise is SO not helpful) 'maybe my body new that somthing was up and that's why i realised i had been ok and that i was just getting the early warning signs of something bad'.
is it really likely that i was actually fine all along and that thinking about how good/normal i was feeling made me think about how i feel when i go down and therefore actually feel that way? if so, why do i do it to my self, as it is reallly no fun WHATSOEVER [:(
anyway, just wondered if anyone else experienced this or could offer words of wisdom

28-06-05, 14:49

Firstly - well done on the progress to date. You must have improved in big strides in order to recognise it !! so keep that uppermost in your mind.

Yes, it is your response to the thought ' I've been feeling good ' your response is often ' not like when....' or ' why am I thinking about it now...' and by reminding yourself off you go into one

worried to get better!?!? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3419)
home truths (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2398)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-06-05, 16:17
Hi Phil,

I can only say what worked for me, what may work for me may not
work for others.
"why do I do it to myself"
Your mind has been programmed to fear these things, It is not easy
to re-programme your mind, but IT CAN BE DONE.
I had to think panic anixaty all day every day, putting as many positive
thoughts in my head as possible. No matter what symptoms she threw at me, they will not harm me, I will be fine, It WILL NOT last for long,
I WILL get better, I CAN beat this. Replying to post in my head in a positive way. Anything that is positive towards panic and symptoms.
Make youself believe that you CAN get better, tell her to Pi** o**
One day I was in a shop Mrs anxiaty gave me a symptom, I stood there and said out loud "ok I'm ready for you, do your worse " the symptom went away. I must admit I did feel silly talking to myself in shop[:I] but
who care's it worked.
You are making alot of progress Phil, its a hard battle but one worth
fighting becease you WILL WIN IN THE END.
It is sooo hard for me to explain when things are done by thoughts,
hope this makes sense.


"Every thought you think changes your biochemistry.
Your hormones are effected by your thoughts.
Pay attention to stuff that bring you joy.
Look for things that bring you a smile!" :D

28-06-05, 16:55
Thanks Meg & Jill,

All useful stuff. Logically i know it to be true but sometimes, less often recently though, logic goes out the window and believing that the way you think can effect how you feel & result in body-wide sensations can be quite a hurdle to get over. Regarding set backs generally, i read today (in a context unrelated to panic - it was to do with making alterations in cricket technique! sad, i know) that to alter physical behaviour, such that it becomes ingrained can potentially require thousands of repetitions - perhaps explaining why practice is necessary to successfully employ P/A combating techniques and why it feels like it's taking SOOOO long, after all it took 8 years hard work to get my particular panic cascade entrenched.
thanks again

nb Jill, telling it to p*** off is just wonderful
and i rather like the sound (if not the reality of) of 'panic cascade'

28-06-05, 17:24
Know exactly how you feel, will all of a sudden forget and then think ooh that symptom has gone, and no sooner do l think that then then it flaming well comes back again!
l would like to think that its mind over matter, but some of my symptoms last for soooo long its hard to think that way!

Denni x

28-06-05, 17:41

Glad to hear that ' but sometimes, less often recently though, logic goes out the window ' . Keep hold of that fact and do your 1000 repetitions to ingrain that you're improving.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...