View Full Version : ovarian cancer

20-12-08, 04:48
I know I'm new and dont now many of you, but I'm panic stricken. I've always had very regular periods but last month on about day 16 I got a show followed by a couple of days of light bleeding, this month on about day 17 I got a show then nothing followed by my period 9 days later, am at the docs on monday for an examination, I dont know how I'll cope if she schedules a scan I have 2 children and wanted so much to enjoy xmas with them, i feel so selfish but I cant help thinking this could be my last one, I have a lot of stress due to my marriage breaking down, family trauma, and financial problems, I also have an eating disorder, thankyou anyone who replies

20-12-08, 05:15
marlou, try not to worry. Stress and anxiety can play havoc with your menstrual system and it sounds like you've been very stressed for some time. This is the most likely thing, or perhaps cysts which are very common and almost always benign. Do you otherwise feel physically OK - no pain or anything? Can I ask how old you are?

20-12-08, 11:14
Dear Marlou, I know how worried you must be, but this is extremely unlikely to be ovarian cancer. What you describe are not typical symptoms of ovarian cancer at all (and now don't go Googling those symptoms, d'ya hear me!) As LeeBee says, stress plays havoc with your cycle and from what you say, you are under incredible stress at the moment. Add Christmas and fear of serious illness to that and you poor thing - you need some reassurance and a big hug!:bighug1:

Good luck with your doctor's appointment on Monday - I hope she will be able to reassure you and even if she does suggest an ultrasound scan, it does not mean that she thinks it is anything serious - honest! Spotting mid-cycle is SO common and likely to be something totally innocent and non-threatening - but even so, they like to know, hence the scans. If she does not order one, she will be so confident that you don't need one - try to believe her.

This time of year plays havoc with all us anxious people - we want it all to be perfect and so all our worries are magnified in case something happens to spoil it. You have a lot of stresses and problems at the moment, but I am sure ovarian cancer is not one of them.

Take care and best wishes, Annie

20-12-08, 20:21

Please don't fret, hun. It's actually pretty common to have spotting and stuff. As everyone else said, it's most likely stress since you seem to be under a good bit of it. On the other hand, if you are taking an oral contraceptive at the moment...it might just need to be changed. I've gone through 3 different pills because of spotting. But even if you aren't on the pill, still...stress can really really mess with your period. Good luck at the doctor and hope we could set your mind at east a bit!! *hugs*

20-12-08, 21:23
thankyou for your kind, reassuring replies, I'm 39 and have suffered with health anxiety since i was a teenager

20-12-08, 21:46
hello marlou
please try not to be to over conserned about getting irregular periods
stress and anxiety can play havok with your periods as can an eating disorder. its not uncommon infact its quite common for periods to go haywire when you suffer with either of these. i am 38 myself and having irregular bleeding due to stress and anxiety. ovarian cancer is the least likely thing it will be. i hope the tests the doctor does reassures you and relaxes your mind
please try to have a relaxing and anxiety free christmas with your children
all the best
xx kellie xx

20-12-08, 21:56
thankyou Kellie, and everyone, this is a fantastic forum