View Full Version : Disease of the year

20-12-08, 06:39
Well it's nearly Christmas and New Year and I could do with reminding myself of all the illnesses and diseases that I've thought I had this year. For me, it's breast cancer, MS, heart problems of some kind, skin cancer (oops left that off the poll) and brain tumour. And I don't have any of them! How about you guys? Let's try to find Disease of the Year!

20-12-08, 06:47
Sorry Trix, I was in the middle of creating my poll and messed up my first post! Sorted now, hopefully purpose of the poll is clearer :).

20-12-08, 08:11
Sorry Trix, I was in the middle of creating my poll and messed up my first post! Sorted now, hopefully purpose of the poll is clearer :).

Removed my post as not to confuse the issue.:D

20-12-08, 11:08
I voted Cancer - throat, bowel, stomach and breast although should have ticked other for ovarian too.:whistles: That's only in the last three months too.:huh: I haven't worried about brain and heart yet - that will probably come next year.:unsure: I have a lump in my breast at the moment which I will probably have to have investigated at hospital but my doctor thinks it is a cyst so I feel a bit relieved by that.

20-12-08, 13:08
I ticked several on the list as you can see i have just posted asking for "a hug" i am feeling so down:weep:

But when i looked at the list = I am so shocked at how awful soooo many other people also suffer these dreadful fears:ohmy: it is the awful re-playing the "WHAT IF" record over and over and i find it very hard to switch it off:blush:
It is always "the BIG " illnesses that play on our minds because we are constanly reminded of such tragic stories in the papers.
Just when you are having a good day you read some poor person is really going through the mill and your heart goes out to them and their families:weep:
And then you are sunk the WHAT IF? starts all over again.

Jan 63 I had a breast lump and the doctor came into the examination room and said "you look worried" i whispered "yes" she said "you have cysts - lots of them - don't worry you will be fine" and discharged me from the lists.
I was stunned - happy - sad and confused.
Best wishes

20-12-08, 13:13
Yes I'm hoping that's all it is June. I saw a doctor two weeks ago and he said it was a pea sized lump but it was a good sign that it was smooth and moving. The doctor I saw yesterday says she thinks it is a cyst but I will have to go to the hospital in another few weeks if it doesn't go which I doubt it will but I do feel a bit more reassured now the doctor yesterday said she thought it was a cyst.:D I also worry about ovarian cancer too because you don't get symptoms with that do you.:weep: I wish I could ask for an hysterectomy just to be on the safe side. I only have one ovary anyway as I had one taken out when I had a strangulated cyst 17 years ago.

Bet you was so relieved when they said it was just cysts wasn't you.

20-12-08, 18:52
Ahhh this poll made me chuckle.

Haha i ticked heart & brain tumour....it seems heart is very common!!

Great post lee xxx

22-12-08, 21:21
Wow i can't believe i'm not the only one who's worried about my heart!

I'm new to no more panic.

Wish people would answer my thread this much:(

23-12-08, 12:52
haha, very good, i ticked bowel cancer and heart disease. at least we're keeping the doctors in work.

23-12-08, 14:01
Ha i ticked mouth/throat cancer,other cancer (lung) breast cancer and heart. great post did make me smile at myself!

27-12-08, 18:42
I ticked other as I've had all these. Its quite funny looking at this, makes you realize how our minds work. Till the next time I guess and its all real again lol...

Good poll

30-12-08, 03:22
So far this year I have almost 'died' from an ear infection that I was sure was going to my brain, a swollen nose that I was sure was this rare cartilage disease that was going to kill me, and heart palpitations that I was positive was a heart disease. There were many others, but those are the 'serious' ones. Man oh man when does it ever end?

30-12-08, 16:17
still have throat cancer especially now since i screwed up my endoscopy i will just die and it will be all my fault for being such a baby and not letting them do it.

30-12-08, 16:21
hi throat cancer, still have it and its now fatal as i was such a baby and could not have my sedated endoscopy, it will be found too late and i am going to die next year. BAH to acid reflux, acid reflux my foot.

03-01-09, 22:15
Heh. I checked MS, brain tumor, and cancer(other).

I'm still not sure about the possibility of cancer. I hope not! I should start to schedule days to "hang out" with my doctor...I sure do visit him often as it is!

04-01-09, 00:16
Last year I had a fatal heart disease, which I still have, meningitis,every time I get a headache, appendicitis, at least once a week, plus DVT's, stomach ulcers and numerous allergies.
Roll on 2009, things can't get any worse - the only way is up!!!

04-01-09, 01:04
I hear you! I am feeling the same way about the new year. I hope my body improves and I stop freaking out. 2008 was surely a roller coaster for me. I'm glad the car is back at the station. :)

For 2009, I just wanna figuratively be on the Peter Pan ride, or better yet, just a bench in a tranquil park that doesn't have any surprises. :)

07-01-09, 14:20
There's a brilliant moment (one of many) in the series "One Foot In The Grave", when Victor Meldrew is convinced he has bowel cancer and reads about it. He reads out "often causes no symptoms", gasps, looks up at the ceiling and says in horror "but that's exactly what I've got!"

Laughter in the dark as far as I'm concerned. I've 'had' bowel cancer for two years, as well as a touch of skin cancer last year, a brain tumour that comes and goes. I even (and I'm particularly proud of this one) managed to diagnose myself with Marfan's syndrome a couple of months ago, as a result of which I'm on the point of dropping dead with a ruptured aortic aneurysm.

07-01-09, 16:29
Thank you for making me smile for the first time in ages.

I came here on the brink of tears, along with my itchy nipple which I am convinced is Breast Cancer and not exema sp* like the doctor claims it is :lac:

Reading through this thread has really helped me today, infact I may just take my breast cancer, poss Ovarian cancer (it has no symptons you know!) and my undiagnosed brain tumour off for a bubble bath. I may even have a glass of wine tonight, because, even though I am convinced I have extensive liver damage, I may not have long left :winks:

Thank you

07-01-09, 16:40
The bubble bath and the glass of wine sound an excellent idea. And remember, the wine might rot your liver but it does protect you from heart disease, or so some of the more uplifting experts say.

I shall drink to your health and the health of everyone else here tonight.

13-01-09, 13:29
Well we're only 13 days into the new year and I think I might have a brain tumour. Last year I had MS and liver disease. I feel crazy having read what i've just typed, I really must be nuts. lol