View Full Version : Christmas Anxiety

20-12-08, 11:09
Hi Everyone - not posted for a while.

But just had my first anxiety attack in a long while this morning.
I had intended to go and finish my Christmas shopping this morning, got up early and felt a little rough, basically a mild hangover. Had a late night working and drank to much wine after.
So felt a big headachy and stomach not so good, not a problem, anyway had usual breakfast, earlier than normal and set off to drive the half-an-hour to the next town, which has the shops I needed to visit. Been on numerous occasions before without problems.
Within a few minutes of leaving started feeling more sick, which brought on the anxiety, decided to carry on, but just felt worse.
I was with my partner who suggested we came home, she was along for the ride and it was not important for her to go. I decided to carry on.
Anxiety and sickness felt worse, so after half an hour we came home.
Back at home all subsided, still feel a little hungover and tired.
Now to rationalise this, that on an iffy stomach I had a milky breakfast, which made me feel sick, which brought on the anxiety (hate being sick - being ill in a public place).
My partner said to me in the car that don't read into this to much and make into more than what is was.
What my concern is that a couple of year ago I had a really bad anxiety period which started on Christmas day and took my a while to recover, so I do feel wary at this time of year.
Like everyone here I dread how I felt this morning, so how do I not over analise this and not let it spiral into something bigger because of what happened in the past.
Will try and go back in the next couple of days to finish my shopping.
Thanks in advance

20-12-08, 12:40

It's because we are so sensitive to sensations going on in the body - we do make more of them than is necessary. You had a bit of a hangover and instead of being rational and thinking "it's just a hangover" your mind was reminded of feelings of anxiety = frightened you = more thoughts = more anxiety. That's what happened I think.

At least you are thinking positively and that's brilliant - you are saying you will finish shopping in the next couple of days - so it hasn't scared you to death thank god.

20-12-08, 14:13
Hi Mike,same for me, lots of pressure fo the Christmas Fest.
All about shopping for presents, and yet more presents.

Don't get me wrong, it is a special time of year, but it's also a tough time.

Several people are away where I work, leave and sickness, lots to cope with for those of us that are left.:shrug:


Diane O'Brien
20-12-08, 14:51
Hello Mike

It's that time of year again ain't it. More anxiety, shops are busier. Christmas parties and everything's a big rush, its very difficult this time of year for people with anxiety, a big well done for you for rationalising it. I,m sure you will be fine next time you go shopping, don't dwell to much on it. It sounds like your doing really well.

You'll be fine.

Diane xxx

22-12-08, 09:08

Thanks for the words of support - went back to the same place yesterday and spent four hours shopping. I was by myself this time.
Woke up with stomach spins, as I have this morning, so the attack on Saturday has re-set my anxiety trigger a lot lower level than normal.
Although the feeling now are at about 1-2 out of 10, where Saturday was about 9 out of 10.
Trying to fight of the thoughts of dread (i.e. because I had a really bad time 3 Christmas's ago its going to happen again, anticipation anxiety).
Doing my breath exercises during the day and relaxation visualisation in an evening.
My appetite has completely bombed - don't feel much like eating and it also takes more time to get motivated.
Thanks once again.

06-01-09, 11:12
Mikey T,
I know exactly how u feel. Xmas 2 years ago was the start of a breakdown for me and I proceeded to be off work for 3 months. I gradually got better and have been feeling brilliant, until around Boxing day this year. Work and stuff had got on top of me and I have started with anxiety again. Am managing to go to work at moment and have been back to Dr's yesterday. He was really understanding. The worst thing is that I feel I let my guard down and am going through it all over again. Start to worry whether I will be like this every Xmas time and being all irrational about it. The anxiety is the worst thing, constant stomach churning and cant sleep etc... Just tired of going through it again. Positive one minute then down the next.
Just so u know, even though you feel alone, you are not :) We will get through it again :) All the best