View Full Version : Might as well counsel myself!!!

28-06-05, 14:27
l have waited months to finally get the chance to see a Cousellor, and it was a load of crap!
l told her all about my problems, symptoms, fears and l may as well have been sat in front of the mirror talking to myself.
For all of you out there with good Cousellors, you're very lucky...

Denni x

28-06-05, 14:30
Hiya Denni,

Im sorry to hear that you didnt feel it help, unfortunatly not everyones lucky enough to get a good counseller.

Have you got a follow up appointment with them at all? Maybe you could chat to your doctor and explain that you woudl prefer to see a differnt counseller.

Tatty B xx

28-06-05, 14:35
Hi Denni,
sorry you are so dissappointed with your counsellor, i was exactly the same many years back, you build yourself up, get to the top of the waiting list expect some magical cure and wham! nothing, i know many people hear have good counsellors, and as you say they are lucky, i have no sound advice for you, i would suggest try another, but i know this is so much easier said than done, hard enough to get the first one!!! I know the first session can be the worst, they takes notes, listen don't say much, don't give up just yet, you have nothing to lose maybe see what happens next time? take care and keep in touch.

28-06-05, 14:36

Often the first visit is just an information gathering session where they ask loads of questions but don't get down to the issues at all. Thats starts in session 2.

Normally they do explain this .. sorry you haven't had a good experience so far .


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-06-05, 15:29
Hi Denni,

I had counselling when I was bullied at work. It was totally inappropriate and wasted my time and the counsellors. Unfortunately a counsellor is being used more and more when actually it is psychotherapists and psychologists that would be more appropriate.

I'm due to see the same counsellor but this time to talk about how my marriage breakdown has caused me problems. I've been waiting 6 months I think so far for an appointment but nothing yet. At this rate I'll be re-married before I see someone! :D

Blue - (Agoraphobic)
"Your truth is better for you than someone else's. Just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it, and speak it."

28-06-05, 17:13

l totally agree with you, psychotherapists and psychologists would be much better, someone to really get to the root of the problem rather than just sit there and look at you with a blank face.

Denni x

28-06-05, 19:03
Hi Denni

Sorry to hear you had a bad time with the counsellor. It depends what type of counselling you are having as to how much feedback and help to find ways to work through your issues you receive. Some counsellors are simply there to listen and their approach is not solution focused.

There are also some counsellors out there who are not very good, but many are good and perhaps if you don't get any better response from your next session you could consider changing to see someone else.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

28-06-05, 19:15
Yes, Denni, see how the next one goes.

Counsellors are only human and the fact that she was yawning may have been a sign she was having a rough day herself.

You may find that your town's church may have a listener or counsellor you can go to as a one-off should you have significant gap in support. You don't have to be church-goer or anything.

Also some counsellors do give one-off free sessions - maybe your Citizens Advice Bureau or local branch of No Panic can advise?

Maybe you do need psychotherapy - I am fortunate enough to be able to go private (£40 per session) - the treatment is really useful for my deep rooted issues but was never suggested to me by any health professional. :(

Keep us posted with developments, and remember you can always vent on here and in the chatroom,

Take Care,


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

28-06-05, 19:26
I saw a counsellor at the doctors and she was wonderful. She showed me how to do abdominal breathing and did relaxation exercises with me.

When are you due to see her again?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

28-06-05, 19:31
Thanks for the advice guys, i think i do need someone that will do more that just listen, i also find that this site helps an
awful lot.

Denni x

28-06-05, 19:34
hi Nicola
Due to visit again next tues, so will give another try,
Denni x

28-06-05, 20:26
Hi Denni

Hope it goes better next week, give it a few weeks b4 you decide anything,

good luck

take care

kairen x