View Full Version : just come out of hospital and scared

20-12-08, 14:10
i had to go hospital on thursday because i had right sided headache i had to have a ct scan and a lumber puncture because they thought i might of had a slight bleed on the brain and also they said my reflexes on my left were weak and my lips were crooked well they let me out today but i still have the headache and im really scared that im going to have a stroke or bleed i have to go back after the new year for a mri scan but im really scared i have never had this headache before i told the hospital that im scared and the nurse said they wouldnt let me out if that was the case this has really set my anxiety high all i want to do is enjoy christmas but i cant because im really paniking with this headache and incase anything happens to me please help someone :(

20-12-08, 14:34
Hi Helen, poor you hun!
Its really frightening when something is going off in your body and you just dont know what it is. Especially been left to try and enjoy christmas with it hanging over your head like a rotten bunch of mistletoe (sorry for the pun but i need to keep my spirits up!) I am going through a similiar thing and I am frightened stiff at the thought of what the new year might bring. In saying this though, i am determined to push it to one side and enjoy christmas. I am going to pretend it is not happening to me..........for now! I dont want to spoil christmas for my little boy as he is two and this will be the first christmas he really understands. I understand how frightened you are and if you want to talk to anyone over the christmas period then feel free to PM me at any time, whenever!
Please try to enjoy christmas, even if just for a few days. I know it is easier said than done but aslong as you take care of youreslf you will be fine hun x

20-12-08, 15:19
thank you for the reply pinkpiglet i know i have to stop thinking these scary thoughts and get through christmas but it is very hard if you dont mind i might pm you if i really need to talk xx