View Full Version : Health Anxiety... any advice really appreciated.

20-12-08, 19:10
Hi All,

I am a 23-year-old male and have suffered from panic and anxiety since I was 16. After a few years of terrible panic attacks, most of my problems now seem to centre on anxiety about my health.

Like a lot of people on these forums, I've diagnosed myself with every terrible disease and condition going, but at the moment my biggest problem is acid reflux, difficulty swallowing and hyperventilation.

I have a habit of swallowing air (gets caught in my chest), then the compulsion to belch it out. In some odd anxiety-related ritual, belching to release the air makes me feel better. If I can't, then I panic more.

As the reflux is causing problems of its own, I've been given medication to treat it, but it stops the acid and air swallowing, and has me even more anxious because I can't do the whole swallow air/belching thing. And anyway, I read the medicine's info leaflet about side affects, and as soon as my eyes caught sight of 'trouble breathing/swallowing', that was it me off. I also have a feeling of thick, gunky saliva in my mouth and throat. :(

Does anyone suffer from anything similar?

What can I do to help just take my mind off breathing and swallowing? I called in to the hairdressers for an appointment today, but dashed off because I couldn't face sitting there. It's making work a nightmare too.

Sorry for being so incoherent (and if this is posted in the wrong forum). After years of suffering with all this, it's really starting to get me down.


20-12-08, 21:26
I had a friend who had exactly what you're talking about and he was prescribed acid reflux meds, but the swallowing problem and the anxiety wouldn't go away. Hes been on a low dose of Citropram 20 mg, and he seems to be perfectly fine now. He's been on them for a couple years at least and anxiety free. Even when his cat had a medical emergency, which he knew if he wasnt on meds, he would have been freaking.

Hyperventilation is my problem too, just have to learn how to "Breath right" again. someone suggested to me to breath in through my nose for 4 seconds, pause for 2, exhale through the nose for 6..and wait a few more seconds in between breaths, basically you want to slow it down abit, and make sure you're exhaling a tad bit more than breathing in.

So far, I've found it helps, but what works more for me, is just to find something to busy myself with, a card game for instance works wonder..likes Tripeaks, possibly Solitaire. BUt good luck finding what works for you and I hope you get better soon.

20-12-08, 22:05
Thanks for your reply, Magik.

I'll try your suggestions about breathing properly. Been hyperventilating on and off all this evening, so hopefully it'll help. Often try to breath slower, but panic about stopping breathing in between and upset the whole exercise! Practice makes perfect, I suppose. :)

20-12-08, 22:43
hey kata
im having similar probs and my swallowing of food is even ffected frm acid reflux,id like to chat to u .u are not alone best wishes Chanty .xxx
my addy is kendricksbabygal@hotmail.com if ur on msn that is if not pm me