View Full Version : Hi

20-12-08, 21:49
I was just diagnosed with depression after suffering with OCD since I've been 6. After never taking medicine I have been started on Celexa. It makes me feel nautious and hasn't helped the depression yet. I just need help and support. Getting through this last week has been real tough

20-12-08, 22:19
Hi Avista,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support. I personally have not tried that med but do know that it takes awhile for them to work and for side effects to go away. If they continue I would notify your doctor. Good luck.

Take care,


20-12-08, 22:24
I'm having daily sessions with my doctor, except weekends. Thanks for the support. I just really need someone to talk to right now

21-12-08, 16:25
Hi Avista, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :hugs:

21-12-08, 16:31
:welcome: welcome to the forum there is loads of people here that can help and support you .things are tough right now but they will get better

21-12-08, 16:39
Hi Avista

I joined here yesterday and have alrady been touched by how warm and welcoming everyone here is. No matter what time of day, or how alone you feel, someone here will be listening and strangely, WILL care even though we're all strangers...

Good Luck and stay strong.


21-12-08, 20:52
thanks for all the support guys.... it means a lot